There are four types of red cards which are new or recent entrants to the construction industry for experienced workers whose occupation has been closed for industry Accreditation and are working towards a NVQ (National Vocational Qualification) or SVQ (Scottish Vocational Qualification).
RED CARD- TRAINEE (craft and operative)
You will qualify for this card if you are a trainee, and registered for an NVQ or SVQ (or Construction Award) but have not yet achieved level 2 or 3 and have met current CSCS Health and Safety requirements.
Trainees must have passed the health and safety test and the card is valid for three years. The card can be renewed for a further three years on application.
RED CARD-GRADUATE (Technical, Supervisory and Management)
You will qualify for this card if your have completed a nationally recognised construction related qualification with a further/higher education college or university. You will be required to complete the Managerial and Professional (known as MAP) Health and Safety Test.
The Graduate card is valid for three years and can be renewed for three years on application.
This card is available to Supervisors and Managers with on the job experience (normally at least one year within the last three), but missed the industry accreditation opportunity and do not hold and NVQ or SVQ level 3,4 or 5 or a Member of an approved Professional Body. To qualify for this card you need to-
- Check to see if your role is covered by CSCS
- Pass the health and safety test
- Register for an NVQ or SVQ
- Complete and NVQ or SVQ profiling session
The card is valid for three years and is non renewable. The card is only issued on a temporary basis, while an NVQ/SVQ is being achieved. It is expected to be replaced by a skilled five year card on achievement of NQV/SVQ level 3 or higher.
This card is available to everyone with on the job experience (normally at least one year within the last three), but missed the industry accreditation opportunity.
To qualify for this card you need to-
- Check to see if your trade is covered by CSCS
- Pass the health and safety test
This card is valid for one year and is non renewable.
This card is issued on a temporary basis, while an NVQ/SVQ is being achieved. It is expected to be replaced by a skilled five year card on achievement of NVQ/SVQ level 2 or higher.
An Experienced Worker Card can not be replaced by a Construction Site Operative (CRO) or a basic skills green card.
The white/yellow PQP card is for competent assessed members of CSCS approved professional bodies such as (ICE, CIOB, RICS). The scope of the PQP card has recently been redefined after a lengthy consultation with the professional bodies and no longer has a time spent on site restriction placed on it. To apply for the PQP card you must-
- Be a competent assessed Member of an approved institution
- Pass the Managerial and Professional (MAP) Construction Skills health and safety test
These cards are valid for five years and can be renewed on re-verification of the PQP criteria.
This card covers construction related occupations not covered by the other categories of card and shows the holder’s occupation.
A CRO card is valid for five years and to renew it applicants must retake and pass the Construction Skills health and safety test.