
Fairer AGS subscription model

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As you may be aware, the AGS has been significantly restructured to suit the demands of today’s members, and to ensure that it continues to play a central key role in improving our industry for the future. At the AGS AGM of 19th March 2014, the AGS Byelaws relating to membership were changed[1] and there are now only 3 classes of membership:

  1. Member,
  2. Affiliate,
  3. Personal Member.

To become a full AGS Member, you need to either be a Practitioner or employ one full-time Practitioner;

Definition of Practitioner: for the purposes of AGS membership, a Practitioner shall be actively practising as a geotechnical or geoenvironmental specialist, and will comply via one of the following minima criteria:

  1. a RoGEP – Professional grade;
  2. a Chartered Member or equivalent of the Institution of Civil Engineers, The Geological Society of London, The Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, The Royal Society of Chemists, or other appropriate Institution approved by the AGS Membership Panel, with a minimum of 5 years’ relevant post-graduate experience; or
  3. 15 years’ relevant experience minimum if not chartered as in 1 (E) (i) or (ii) above, coupled with the ability to demonstrate a long-term, high level of commitment, dedication and professionalism to the industry.

As AGS Members employ from 1 – 500 practitioners, 14 subscription ‘bands’ have been created, to ensure a more equable subscription system.

Members should have received a letter in the post with full information listed.

The AGS would like to thank you for your continued support and to remind you that the AGS is a not-for-profit organisation and your subscription goes entirely towards the running of the organisation.

Full information was listed that Members should have received in the post, but if you’d like any further clarification, please email