Sally Hudson, AGS Chair Elect and Leader of the AGS Business Practice Working Group, has provided an update on the top issues the AGS Business Practice Working Group discussed at their last meeting which took place on 11th February 2020.
Promoting and Enhancing Quality and Safe Practice within the Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Industry
The AGS continues to promote and enhance quality and safe practice within the geotechnical and geoenvironmental industry. To increase awareness, it is our goal to increase AGS membership as widely as possible throughout the industry. The BPWG is working on updating the AGS Business Plan and is monitoring the services and benefits of the Association to ensure that members best interests are represented.
Updating AGS Publications
Some Client Guides and other publications are becoming out of date and so the BPWG is driving a programme of identifying and amending key publications. Although some recent updates have been published, such as the Selection of Geotechnical Soil Laboratory Testing guidance, the BPWG are working with the other Working Groups to continue this effort, starting with some of the most popular documents such as the Client’s Guide to Site Investigations. We are also continuously monitoring our website data to assess publication popularity.
New AGS Client Guides
It can be difficult for our clients to know what the geo-professional qualifications and designations mean and how they fulfil their requirements and what value they offer. The BPWG has instigated preparation of two Client Guides to summarise the meaning of geo-professional affiliations. We have produced two draft documents, which are at review stage, one each to cover geo-environmental and geotechnical professionals. We will promote the new guidance within the AGS magazine once available to members.
As a trade body dedicated to promoting best practice within the industry, we need to ensure that the advice we provide to our members is as current and accurate as possible and reaches as wide an audience as practicable.
We are always keen to welcome new members into the BPWG and so for those interested in the governance of the AGS and wish to know how you can contribute to the BPWG, please contact the AGS Secretariat at