With the ongoing situation of COVID-19, the AGS would like to remind AGS members of the current guidance. Businesses and workplaces should encourage their employees to work at home, wherever possible; if someone becomes unwell in the workplace with a new, continuous cough or a high temperature, they should be sent home and advised to follow the advice to stay at home for 14 days and employees should be reminded to wash their hands for 20 seconds more frequently.
The AGS are continually reviewing the situation and the decision has been made to postpone all AGS 2020 events; AGS Annual Conference (which was due to take place on 2nd April), Laboratories, Instrumentation and Monitoring Conference (which was due to take place on 15th July) and Data Management (which was due to take place on 23rd September, but has now been moved to 22nd September 2021). Further details about all three conferences will be released in due course.
For those who attend AGS Working Group meetings, we will be using remote and conferencing technologies to hold these meetings until further notice and details of these will be circulated with the meeting notification as usual.
The AGS Secretariat are currently working remotely, but we are checking our voicemail twice daily and aim to get back to you as soon as we can. We can also be contacted by email ags@ags.org.uk.