Article Data Management

Specification for Piling and Embedded Retaining Walls Errata

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There are errors in transcription in the first two print runs of ICE’s second edition of the Specification for Piling and Embedded Retaining Walls.  These are shown in Italic as below

In Table B1.4 Standard installation tolerances  (page 33)

Tolerance All bearing piles All embedded retaining wall types constructed without a guide wall All embedded retaining wall
types constructed with a guide wall
Plan position for piles/walls with cut-off level above or at commencing surface 75mm in any direction 75 mm 25mm
Plan position for piles/walls with cut-off level below commencing surface 75mm in any direction plus additional tolerance in accordance with rake and vertical deviation below 75mm + 13.3mm for every
1m below cut-off level
25mm + 13.3mm for every
1m below cut-off level
Maximum permitted deviation of the finished pile/wall element from the vertical at any level 1 in 75 at any level 1 in 75 for exposed face 1 in 75 for exposed face
Maximum permitted deviation of raked piles Rake <1 in 6; 1 in 25
Rake >1 in 6; 1 in 15
n/a n/a


In B1.14.1 Driving procedures and redrive checks   (page 41)  Line 10  “blows/25mm” should be “blows/250mm”

In B1.14.3 Set  (page 42) Last line   “penetration of 250mm”   should be “penetration of 25mm”

Purchasers will have different updates on these errors dependent upon their purchase timing.  It is intended that this note alerts all purchasers to the  problem errors and that it can be referred to when clarification is needed for Specification discussions.