Chair’s blog (January 2025)

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Happy New Year and welcome to the bumper January issue of the AGS Magazine. I hope you all managed to take a break over the Christmas period.

Our working groups have been busy and have produced a variety of informative articles for this edition. I would like to thank everyone for their efforts. We present our AGS Piling and AGS Sustainability Roadmaps, take a look at Ground Source Heat Pumps, PAS 2080 and we hear from Dipalee Jukes about her work towards Gender Equality.

We are also pleased to anounce a renewed collaboration with the BDA to improve Health and Safety across the Geotechnical Industry.
We also have a response to ‘Thoughts from the regulatory front line: How can SiLCs and the NQMS help to get it right first time?’ The AGS supports the use of the NQMS scheme which should help to resolve common quality issues.

We have several events coming up, starting with A Clients Guide to Cone Penetration Tests on 29th January 2025 and Effective Procurement of Ground Investigations on 26th March 2025, both free to attend for members. On 1st May we have our Annual Conference, an in-person event which will have an overarching theme of ‘The Future’. I hope you will be able to join us.

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