A Federation of Piling Specialist’s Member has reported a new Pile Cutting method that appears particularly efficient. Details about The Cropper can be found at: http://www.mrcropper.co.uk/
Hand Arm Vibration
- byHSE are becoming seriously concerned about hand arm vibration while breaking down piles. Members of the Federation of Piling Specialists have experienced difficulties with HSE Inspectors in some regions even when the client has been offered, and refused, the use of a debonding system.
The FPS will be preparing guidance about breaking down piles for publication on their website, and are about to publish the following information on the use of debonding systems:- ” Reinforcement debonding, or any other items attached to the pile reinforcement, can only be placed in the pile to the same tolerances as the pile reinforcement. These tolerances are given in the ICE Specification for Piling and Embedded Retaining Walls 1996. Engineers/Specifiers should therefore specify the same tolerances for pile cut-off-level if such systems are to be used.
· Before specifying reinforcement debonding, or any other related systems, discussions must take place with the piling contractor in order to investigate the practicality of the proposed system for the chosen piling technique, pile size, the prevailing ground conditions. This technique is not universally applicable.
· Any system installed should be protected from damage, otherwise the system may lose all intended benefits. For example, the debonding of bars will not be effective if the bars are bent during or after installation.
· The lifting point for the removal of the concrete over the debonded length should be designed and specified by the main contractor following discussions with the piling contractor.
Consultants should be aware of their responsibilities under CDM and advise clients accordingly.
Working on Another’s Land
- byFollowing the publication of Loss Prevention Alert 33, which concerns the matters to which specialists should have regard when working on another’s land, a number of AGS members have made specific points and observations of which we ought to make the wider membership aware.
An important point is access to the site. It may well be that the licence itself designates the only route by which the specialist is to have access to and egress from the site in which case, should the specialist enter or leave the site by any other route, he risks committing a trespass and being made a defendant to proceedings. On large and complicated sites, where access by anything other than the agreed route can cause damage to the site (for example to crops) a plan might need to be appended to the licence to make it clear to the specialist where he should enter and leave. It may also be the case that, in order to enter a site, permission has to be sought from some third party because the specialist’s staff or equipment will have to travel over that third party’s land. Generally speaking, this is not the specialist’s problem and he should leave it to his client or his client’s advisors to ensure that the specialist has all the relevant permissions he needs to be able to enter, work on, leave the site as he envisages he will need to. In certain cases therefore, when access to sites might present a difficulty, it is recommended that a clause is included in the specialist’s appointment as follows:
The Client warrants and undertakes that all relevant permissions for the consultant/contractor to enter, leave and work on the site have been obtained and are not subject to any restrictions which might impede, in any respect, the consultant’s/contractor’s ability to undertake the Services.
The point has been made that there may be occasions where the consultant’s work creates unavoidable damage to the site. Typically, site owners will expect to be indemnified against such damage – especially where they have no particular interest or motivation in relation to the transaction the client is envisaging. But in this situation it ought to be made clear that unavoidable damage will be the responsibility of the client. The client will though expect the consultant/contractor to be responsible for unavoidable damage which occurs through his negligence or failure to take care.
Steven Francis, Eversheds
SGV Task Force
- byThe Soil Guideline Values Taskforce (SGV TF) is a joint initiative between Government Departments, local authorities and other private and public sector stakeholder groups with the primary objective of providing a means of improving the production programme for Soil Guideline Values.
The group was originally set up by the Cabinet Office Business Regulation Team in 2004 in response to perceived delays in the delivery programme for soil guidelines values. The task force originally comprised public sector bodies (Cabinet Office, ODPM, DEFRA, Food Standards Agency, Health Protection Agency and Environment Agency) who are instrumental in the production process. Following a workshop in November 2004 at which a wider cross-section of interested parties were present, the SGV TF was expanded and a number of other parties are represented on the current task force including the AGS.
Business in 2005 has focused on addressing four principal questions which were highlighted at the November workshop as being the most pressing-
i) What do SGVs mean and when should they be used?
ii) How do we speed up production?
iii) What do we do in situations when SGVs generated by the usual methods are very low (below ambient levels or close to or below detection limits)?
iv) What do we do about training and information dissemination?
Since the beginning of 2005 there have been three meetings of the expanded task force resulting in some good progress and interesting debate from various parties.
The first and very fundamental questions above has been considered by a sub-group of the task force. Their report will take the form of a draft guidance document on what an SGV is and how SGVs should be applied. This may in due course be released as part of the CLR series or as an addendum to an existing document.
The question of speeding up production of SGVs has occupied a significant amount of task force time. The EA has resource and time limitations which are also called upon in the programme for development of the CLEA UK model, release of which is expected this summer /autumn. Interesting debate revolves around whether SGV production should take precedence over further examination of the algorithms / assumptions in CLEA. (The Chartered Institute of Environmental Health is particularly emphatic in their wish for the SGV’s to be produced as soon as possible). The AGS and EIC representatives have been more in favour of concentrating effort into refining models to attempt to reduce, or remove, some of the problems associated with “low” SGVs.
Positive moves have been made toward increasing production capability, including proposals to double the EA team by funding two new posts and by attempting to recruit a private sector secondee partially funded by public sector monies.
On other issues, a sub-group has been set up to identify training needs and to produce initial models of how these can be satisfied. In addition the EA has published on its website the first of what will be a series of bulletins on the CLEA programme.
Simon Edwards Merebrook Environmental Engineering Consultants
- byI suspect that many of you are aware that there has been increasing concern about the number of fatalities and serious accidents on construction sites. The speeding up of construction processes, as the demands of clients on price and delivery are keener, has exposed cracks and weaknesses over 18 years of de-regulation. In recent years there have been a number of safety seminars, but in reality they appear to have made little difference. However, the government now appears to be getting tough and the Health & Safety Executive is sending out the clear message that it intends to address failings in all parts of the construction industry. Whilst the media concentrates on the legal imposition of safety duties on directors and bosses, it is clear the agency are now targeting consultants in an attempt to “clean up” an industry where serious accidents and fatalities regularly occur.
There are three main types of health and safety offences. (a) Manslaughter by gross negligence, (b) Offences under the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 (“HSWA”) and (c) Offences under regulations issued under HSWA.
In this article, I will concentrate on offences under the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, as this has been a growing cause of concern amongst consultants. More specifically, interest has focused on various prosecutions under Section 3(1) of the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974.
Section 3 states that “it shall be the duty of every employer to conduct his undertaking in such a way as to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that persons not in his employment, who maybe affected thereby are not exposed to risks to their health and safety”. It was this section that became a focus for the prosecution of Lindsey Barr Associates (a firm of consulting engineers) in relation to the unfortunate death of a contractor who was killed whilst carrying out refurbishment work, when a large section from the base of a foundation fell on him. Lindsey Barr Associates were prosecuted under Section 3(1) and this case illustrates the difficulty that all defendants will have in fighting a prosecution under Section 3(1). The core issue is that an enormously wide interpretation can be applied to the term “so far as was reasonable practicable”. How does one prove that everything reasonably practicable was done to ensure safety? I think we would all agree that there is nearly always some other measure that could have been employed to ensure safety, even if that measure was not realistic, given the particular set of circumstances. This section causes perhaps even more concern, when one considers that it is likely that where a serious offence is alleged to have been committed, the case is likely to be tried before a jury who may well be expected to understand complex, and at times confusing, issues without the benefit of a consultant background. It is not surprisingly that in such circumstances, a jury will often take a look at all the different factors and consider what they would have done in certain situations, regardless of how the law should strictly be interpreted. As such, it is arguably difficult to honestly review an incident without the benefit of hindsight.
Should a consultant fall foul of the HSWA, offences are triable summarily in the Magistrates Court or on indictment at the Crown Court. An offence under the Act could result in imposition of an improvement or prohibition notice or a full prosecution, if so in the latter case, in the Magistrates Court there is a maximum fine of £20,000 and/or six months imprisonment and in the Crown Court, unlimited fine and/or two years imprisonment.
Penalties for contravention of Section 3 can be harsh, and in the Lindsey Barr case, the consultants were fined £45,000 and ordered to pay £30,000 in costs. The court will take a number of factors into account, such as the degree of risk connected to the danger created by offence, and how far short of expectations did the defendant fall. The court will also take into account the defendant’s resources, but it is emphasised that the fine needs to be large enough to push health and safety matters to the forefront of the defendants’ minds. Other relevant factors will be matters such as the incident resulting in a fatality, or a consistent failure to heed warnings or the deliberate taking of risks for financial reasons.
The defendant may seek to mitigate it’s sentence by showing that he took action to remedy defects as soon as he was made aware of them, showing that he has a good safety record without any previous convictions, and that it has a good accident record in terms of number and severity of reported accidents. The level of resources of the defendant are also important, and the defendant will have to supply accounts and other financial information which is relevant to the prosecutor.
At present there have only been one or two prosecutions of designers under the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 rather than the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations. However, I would have thought that the HSE will seek to ensure that many more consultants are prosecuted in the future. Ignorance of the legal impact of the Health & Safety at Work Act is leaving consultants vulnerable to criminal convictions for accidents on projects that they are designing and it is important that the Act is borne in mind, as if prosecuted under the Act, the effect of the consultant having to show and to prove that it took “reasonable and practicable” steps to protect workers from foreseeable risks, effectively reverses the burden of proof from the prosecution to the defendant. A hurdle, which to my mind, will in many cases be impossible to jump.
Michael Salau Email: michael.salau@blm-law.com
Michael Salau is a partner in the Construction and Environmental Group at Berrymans Lace Mawer
The Role of an Expert Witness
- byIntroduction
Experts play an important and unique role in the adversarial court process as they are required to provide an independent opinion uninfluenced as to form or content by the exigencies of litigation. The duties of the expert, in civil litigation, were amplified by Part 35 of the Civil Procedure Rules (CPR 35) which enumerates the role of the expert. One would have thought that there would, with the passing of CPR 35, have been little room for development on the role of expert witnesses in litigation. However, there have been a number of significant developments in the past year.
The Court in Alan Jackson v Marley Davenport Ltd [2004] EWCA Civ 1225 considered the question of whether, if an expert makes an early report to his client before he makes the report which is later disclosed in the litigation as being the evidence he intends to give at trial, the law requires that earlier report to be disclosed. In that case, the Claimant’s solicitors instructed an expert witness who prepared a report for the purposes of a conference with lawyers. Thereafter he provided a further report which was served on the defendant and the court. The second report referred to the expert “having now gained additional information”. That indicated to the defendant’s solicitors that there was an earlier report and they sought disclosure of it believing that it might have expressed a somewhat different view to that in the report presented to the court.
At First Instance, the Court ordered disclosure on the basis that the expert had to comply with CPR 35.10 (3) which provides:
“The expert’s report must state the substance of all material instructions, whether written or oral, on the basis of which the report was written.”
The Court of Appeal, however overturned that decision on the basis that draft expert reports were protected by litigation privilege. The Court held that the reference in Rule 35.10 to “the expert’s report” is a reference to the expert’s intended evidence, not the earlier and privileged draft reports.
The Court also considered CPR 35.13 which provides:
“A party who fails to disclose an expert’s report may not use the report at the trial or call the expert to give evidence orally unless the court gives permission.”
The Court said that merely provided that a report cannot be relied on at trial unless it is first disclosed, nor may an expert give oral evidence without first producing a report, unless the court otherwise orders. It did not mean that earlier draft reports have to be disclosed.
This decision provides solicitors and experts with some comfort that they can discuss earlier draft reports with frankness in the knowledge that the draft reports are protected from disclosure. However, as the case below demonstrates the expert’s fundamental duty is to the Court and he must not allow himself to be partisan or to be unreasonably swayed by the instructing client.
Flagrant Beach of Duty
The case of Jonathan Guy Phillips and others v Robin James Symes and others [2004] EWCA Civ 1512 in October 2004 has caused much consternation amongst expert witnesses. For the first time, the Court held that it had the power to order costs against an expert who, by his evidence, caused significant expense to be incurred, and did so with flagrant reckless disregard to his duties to the Court.
In that case, the trial the judge rejected the evidence of the Respondent’s expert as unreliable. The Claimants thus sought to join the expert to the proceedings for the purposes of costs. It was alleged that the expert:
formed his opinion on an inadequate basis having not considered all relevant factual material;
refused to reconsider his opinion in light of further material sent to him or even to look at the material despite its relevance to the matters under consideration;
in verifying his report he failed to act in accordance with the declarations required under CPR 35; and
assumed a role as an advocate for those instructing him.
The court accepted that the normal rule is that witnesses in court proceedings enjoy immunity from any civil proceedings in respect of evidence given during those proceedings because witnesses needed to be able to give their evidence fearlessly. The court, however, said that the immunity, albeit paramount, was not absolute and concluded that in appropriate circumstances a third party costs order can be brought against an expert witness as a result of the manner in which he gave evidence as a witness.
The Court considered the other sanctions available where the expert flagrantly disregarded his duty to the Court. Firstly, the expert may be in contempt of court or guilty of perjury. Secondly, that the experts costs could be disallowed either as between their client and another party to the litigation, or between a client and the expert. Thirdly, they could be referred to an appropriate professional body for disciplinary action. The Court, however, considered these sanctions to be “blunt instruments” and said the proper sanction was to order the expert to compensate the person who has suffered loss by reason of that evidence. For such a costs order to be made against an expert must be more than negligent. Rather, a gross dereliction of duty or recklessness is needed.
The case highlights the needs for experts to provide considered, objective opinions. Experts must assist the Court and in so doing must not be partisan or act like “hired guns”.
The Criminal Procedure Rules 2005
Part 33 of the Criminal Procedure Rules 2005 dealing with expert evidence is still to be published. Some commentators consider that the rules may be similar to CPR 35. In any event, the Courts overriding objective, under Rule 1.1, is to deal with cases justly and Rule 1.2 requires all participants to further that objective. Under S.93 of the Courts Act 2003, the Court can make a third party costs order, which would include an expert witness, if that party has been guilty of gross misconduct.
Recent cases show that the role of expert witnesses will be under constant scrutiny. The decision that drafts reports are privileged and should not be disclosed is to be welcomed as it allows experts to fully consider the case and prepare drafts for discussion without fear that their earlier reports will come back to haunt them. However, experts must remember that their duty is to the Court. They are quasi Court Officer’s. Experts now carry the cost of disregarding their duties to the Court and to the fair administration of justice. Should an expert find himself in any difficulty with his client he would be well advised to seek directions from the Court.
Tom Stocker, Associate, Regulatory Department, Eversheds LLP
The site investigation industry is launching a series of initiatives to improve client awareness, says Jim Cook.
- byThe need, quality and sufficiency of site investigations has been of paramount importance since the early 1960s and the issue of client awareness of the benefits of site investigation have been well-discussed within construction industry.
In the late 1950s, Foundation Engineering produced the film “The problem below” to address this issue. The film described and projected the need and benefits of carrying out site investigations. A project in Boness in Scotland was selected for filming.
I recently saw this film again for the first time in about 20 years. Although the aircraft at Glasgow Airport was a Viscount turbo prop and the drilling rig a Conrad “slip rope” rig (with square boring rods and tools), the requirements for quality, sufficiency, client understanding and “buy-in” were well portrayed and appeared to be well understood.
Today’s clients are more likely to develop a project and move on as fast as possible to the next one, with many (if not all) the responsibilities and liabilities being devolved down the supply chain to architects, consultants and builders, by the use of sometimes onerous terms of engagement, including multi-assigned warranties. In dealing with these clients, the ground is generally taken for granted. When projects involve the redevelopment of brownfield sites the concerns of contamination and perceived high risk associated with this seem to become more evident, however.
Local planning authorities’ requirements and stipulations for such sites generally ensure the client and their team consider the geoenvironmental issues at pre-planning submission stage. The desire to obtain planning permission and the need to tackle contamination risk issues act as drivers for undertaking geoenvironmental investigations. In many instances however, the initial site investigation ignores some of the main geotechnical issues. How often is a geoenvironmental site investigation – which usually does not even include the most basic insitu geotechnical tests such as a standard penetration test – offered to a piling contractor for them to design, price and carry out foundation work?
When clients are in the early stages of conceiving a project they need to establish a funder, insurer and a project management team as well as the usual engineering consultancy service providers. The consultancy service providers called upon in the initial stages are generally architects and structural engineers, who usually may only see the above ground structure. The introduction of the geotechnical adviser into a project team at an early stage has been strongly advocated over the past ten years by the Institution of Civil Engineers and Association of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Specialists (AGS) but in many cases this is not happening.
The structural engineers in some instances see themselves as capable of undertaking this geotechnical role or are unaware of the good practice guidelines laid down by AGS and others. To address the situation and develop more client awareness, the industry needs access to the commercial team. To this end, AGS will shortly be completing its project benchmarking scheme, which will provide an assessment and score for each project where there is ground engineering site investigation input.
The scoring system is based on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the particular geotechnical activities undertaken within ten selected groupings, including one for client satisfaction. This initiative is likely to eventually provide a substantial database of assessed projects, which can then set the norm for good, moderate and poor site investigation input. Information from project benchmarking and KPI scoring can also be developed to provide the client’s commercial team with a simple “traffic light” risk assessment of the project. It will then be simple to show the benefits of carrying out a full ground engineering site investigation service – desk study, phased intrusive ground study, associated supervision, laboratory testing and ground engineering advice.
The AGS and Federation of Piling Specialists recently had discussions concerning the quality and sufficiency of site investigation reports provided to foundation contractors, and agreed to consider a joint advisory paper, likely to be called “Guide to foundations”, published as part of the AGS Clients Guides. CDM regulations are also expected to be included. AGS members recognise the need for the Site Investigation Steering Group (SISG) series of publications to be redrafted and published as soon as possible, as the 1993 editions are well out of date. There are plans within the fraternity to arrange for the SISG Specification (Yellow book) to be redrafted within the next year or so.
Jim Cook is chairman of the Association of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Specialists and director of Buro Happold’s Ground Engineering group.
The following article originally appeared as a ‘Talking Point’ in Ground Engineering, June 2005.
Work Permits to involve less Red Tape
- byThere is big news for the Industry with a new addition of Geotechnical Engineers to the Shortage Occupations List for Work Permit purposes.
Inclusion on the Shortage Occupation List means Geotechnical Engineers join such professions as Railway Engineers, Doctors, Nurses and Teachers (a surprisingly short list, given the known shortages in many sectors).
The change will mean that companies applying for work permits will no longer have to demonstrate that the post cannot be filled from within the UK or EU. This will make it easier to recruit from Australia, New Zealand and elsewhere. Previously full details and supporting evidence had to be provided to show what advertising had already been undertaken to recruit a ‘resident worker’. This included details of responses received and reasons why each applicant had not been employed.
Previously to obtain a work permit for an overseas employee an employer was required to complete a 12 page application form. Applicants will now be able to jump from Page 7 direct to Page 12 of the application form.
The announcement that Geotechnical Engineers had been included on the Shortage Occupation List was made on the Work Permits website on Monday 20th June and can be seen at www.workingintheUK.gov.uk and following the links to work permits – applying for a work permit – business and commercial.
The definition of Geotechnical Engineer will cover the following Ground Engineering related occupations:- Geoenvironmental Engineer; Geotechnical Engineer; Geological Advisor; Geological Analyst; Geological Associate; Geological Engineer; Geologist/Hydrogeologist; Geology/Reservoir Engineer; Geomechanics Engineer; Geophysical Specialist; Geophysicist; Geoscientist; Geosupport Engineer; Engineering Geologist; Ground Engineer; Contaminated Land Specialist.
ISO/TC190 Meeting, Paris Note prepared by Peter Rodd
- byFor the fourth year running I attended the ISO/TC190 Soil Quality meeting, this year in Paris. The meeting comprises sessions of the various Sub Committees and their working groups plus plenary sessions for the Sub Committees, and the TC190 and CEN TC345 (both Soil Quality) meetings. I attended 7 sessions.
As previously, I was representing the BSI committee EH/4 (Soil Quality) on which I serve, in turn, representing the AGS.
As with last year’s meeting in Brno, the Czech Republic, much of the general discussion concerned the Horizontal Project originally instituted by CEN. The purpose of this project is to harmonize standards across matrices.. Once a Horizontal Standard has been created and endorsed by CEN it becomes a European Standard and supersedes equivalent National Standards and International Standards within the EC. If it is also accepted by ISO the new standard supersedes the equivalent ISO Standard in the rest of the world; if not accepted by ISO it runs side by side with the ISO as a European Standard. It is now ISO TC190’s first function to respond to CEN requests to develop new standards while continuing to develop standards that have international support. Everything clear so far?
Although the function of EH/4, ISO TC190 and CEN TC345 is Soil Quality from the soil science perspective, there are clearly overlaps with geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering, particularly in light of the Horizontal Project, and this is the reason why the AGS agreed to have representation on the EH/4 committee. Topics of particular relevance are the chemical test methods being developed that will be used for compliance issues arising from the sludge directive.
The function of EH/4 is to assist in the development and review of International and European standards, and to put forward comments received initially from the EH/4 sub committees on early committee drafts (CD), and at a later stage comments from interested parties more generally on draft international standards (DIS). The latter stage is where AGS members get the chance to make comments (which can be funnelled through me) to EH/4 and thence to the ISO TC190 working groups. The annual meeting is the usual forum for discussion of such comments. Following DIS stage the document becomes a final draft (FDIS) at which stage comments are largely restricted to editorial issues. The member countries then vote to determine whether the document should become an International Standard. If BSi give a positive vote and the document is passed as an International Standard it automatically becomes a British Standard. If a member country votes ‘No’ then they do not adopt the ISO standard, even if passed, as their National standard.
The sessions I attended were: ” CEN 345 – Characterisation of soils; ” ISO/TC 190 Plenary – Soil Quality; ” SC7 WG4 – Human Exposure; ” SC7 WG6 – Leaching; ” SC7 WG7 – Background Levels; ” SC7 Plenary – Soil and Site Assessment; and ” SC3 Plenary – Chemical Methods.
The CEN meeting concentrated on various existing standards and whether they were suitable as Horizontal Standards. Previously questionnaires had been sent to member countries to get their views but only brief responses were forthcoming. One standard of particular relevance to the AGS is ISO 11277 ‘determination of particle size distribution in mineral soil material – method by sieving and sedimentation’. It was felt by the delegates that this test method is time consuming and is not generally used, therefore, it will not be recommended as a Horizontal standard but will remain as an ISO and should be used as a reference method. Other test methods discussed were: ISO 10381-3 on safety, ISO 10381-4 Guidance on the procedure for investigation of natural, near-natural and cultivated sites, ISO 10694 organic and total carbon after dry combustion (elementary analysis), ISO 11261 Total Nitrogen, ISO 11263 Phosphorus spectrometric soluble in sodium hydrogen carbonate, ISO 14255 Nitrate, ammonium and total soluble nitrogen using calcium chloride, and ISO FDIS 16772 mercury in aqua regia. It was felt that none of the standards could be recommended to Horizontal without review and that ISO 10381.4 was to general and would conflict with national standards, and ISO 11263 was not used and should also not be recommended.
Registration of new work items for CEN and their terms of reference will be controlled by BT TF151, a task force set up for that purpose and to receive the Horizontal draft CEN standards. They will also co-ordinate the CEN response to these standards.
One item of interest from the ISO TC190 plenary meeting was that methods for the analysis of asbestos were considered to be outside the scope of soil quality and that TC146 will develop methods although TC190 will be involved in the handling and sampling aspects.
The SC7/WG4 session considered to documents; ISO 15800 on the characterisation of soils with respect to human exposure that was reported as having been issued as a full standard, and CD 17924 on the bioavailability of metals in contaminated soils – physiological based extraction method which will be amended in light of the discussions and comments received and issued as a DIS in June 2005. The stated aim of this document is to establish a list of parameters and is aimed at risk assessors.
I attended the second session of SC7/WG6 and discussion focused on CD 19492 ‘Leaching procedures for subsequent chemical and ecotoxicological testing of soils and soil materials – influence of pH on leaching with initial acid/base addition’. The procedure is considered to be generic. An annex will be added to explain the use of the various pH levels and extraction solutes. Validation of the method is required but funding will be required and so the document, initially, will be a technical specification. The delegates did not agree with the UK’s definition of ‘leaching’ but in any case it is defined in the document. It was considered that the agitation levels given in the document are likely to break most glassware, guidance was requested from the delegate countries. A guidance document was also discussed but this was at a very early stage of development.
SC7/WG7 discussed DIS 19258 ‘Guidance on the establishment of background values’ which was issued late due to a problem with obtaining the French translation. The DIS was approved prior to the meeting with only the UK disapproving. Although such a guidance document would be useful the EH4 committee considered that there is too much confusion in the document particularly with the terms that are used. In particular the term ‘usual background’ was considered to be somewhat imprecise and the main definitions will be re-written. Another problem with the document is that if it becomes a standard and the UK approve it, there may well be a conflict with BS 10175 which would probably have to be withdrawn.
On that alarming note I shall end my report. The next meeting will be in Japan in October.
“The Geology of Site Investigation Boreholes from Hong Kong”
- byAGS (Hong Kong) have announced the publication of the above title. The author is Chris Fletcher but in an effort to promote the development of good practice in the industry AGS(HK) has played a significant role in the publication.
Described by the author as a ‘Practical Guide for Geologists and Engineers’, the book Is the first of its kind in concentrating on illustrations and geological interpretations of samples of rock and soil obtained from boreholes throughout Hong Kong. All the main groups of rocks and many of the individual rock types present in Hong Kong are covered in terms of composition, distribution, geological setting and site examples. Hydrothermal alteration, deformation and weathering are also addressed, and there are sections on superficial deposits and karst.
A review by Diamad Campbell (GEO) concludes: The range of lithologies and materials addressed is extensive, and the illustrations in particular comprise a very valuable resource for geologists and engineers working in Hong Kong. Although practitioners using the book should bear in mind that it presents the author’s personal view of interpretation of samples obtained in site investigation boreholes, the book is recommended to anyone interested in the geology of Hong Kong.
For copies: AGS(HK), c/o Benaim (China) Ltd, 25/F SUP Tower, 75-83 Kings Road, North Point, Hong Kong. (Payment by bankers order only made payable to AGS(HK) – HK$200 inc. p+p)
Reinforced soil design code to be revised
- byWhen BS 8006, the code of practice for Strengthened / Reinforced soils and other fills, was first published in 1995, it was acclaimed as an international benchmark in the field. Nearly ten years on, the Standard remains the most comprehensive National Standard on reinforced soil, and is adopted as practice in many other countries. In keeping with BSI policy, the Standard BS8006 is presently undergoing its 10 year review and it is expected that new developments in the field and the development of new European standards, will be included in the revised Standard thus ensuring it remains at the forefront of good practice.
In December 2003, British Standards Institution gave the go ahead to revise the document and BSI Technical Committee B 526/4 met to start the process in April 2004. Representatives are drawn from industry, trade associations and learned bodies (Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), International Geosynthetics Society, Association of Geotechnical and Geo-environmental Specialists (AGS), Institution of Highways and Transportation (IHT), Association for Consultancy & Engineering (ACE), Department for Transport, Highways Agency (DfT), British Apparel & Textile Confederation (BATC)) to provide a mix of experience from the original drafting committee combined with input from some new members, all chaired by Steve Corbett of Faber Maunsell.
Several task groups have now been formed to review all of the main sections of the documents including the design of reinforced slopes, walls, embankments and soil nailing. Comments, suggestions, and proposals for improvements are invited from users of the document and other interested parties, either via their trade association or directly to the BSI secretary Sina Talal. It is hoped to provide regular updates on progress within Ground Engineering, as work proceeds. In the meantime, BS8006 should continue to be used until the new revision of the document is available, anticipated for 2006.
Please forward any comments or suggestions to committee secretary Sina Talal at SINA.TALAL@BSI-GLOBAL.COM.
Bothered by unwanted telemarketing calls?
- byUnder Government legislation introduced on 1st May 1999 and replaced on 11th December 2003 by the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003, it is unlawful to make unsolicited direct marketing calls to individuals who have indicated that they do not want to receive such calls.
For some time, individuals have been able to do this by registering with the Telephone Preference Society. (Registering a mobile number will prevent voice calls but not text messages). The service works well and calls drop to almost nothing within a month or so.
The good news is that since June 2004, companies have also been able to register their wish not to receive unsolicited sales calls. It prevents most calls – and there is a certain satisfaction in being able to inform offenders that what they are doing is illegal. The click of a receiver being replaced is generally the last you will hear from them. Fax spam can also be prevented by registering with Fax Preference Society.
Telephone: www.tpsonline.org.uk
Fax: www.fpsonline.org.uk