Article Safety

A Low Cost Support Tool for Single Manning Site Safety

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All member companies will have had experience of controlling single manning site safety be it office administrators, or at the other extreme, walking sites monitoring for landfill gas. Whatever the task single manning cannot always be avoided and the answer to the problem is implementation of well developed safety policies.

In recent months the computer press has been highlighting the service offered by, which allows subscribers to track the location of active mobile phones to within 300 m. The facility, called ‘Mapaphone’, is currently being trialled by Marquis & Lord.

If employees fail to call in at pre determined times, to register there location as ‘off site’, the safety phone is called via a website and a map is displayed showing the location of the unit. The advantage is obvious, if the phone remains static for a period of time and additional calls to it are not answered then further investigation is triggered. As with all system there are weaknesses. The primary ones with this equipment are those of patchy network coverage, and human error, remembering to switch the phone on is of course essential. Battery failure can also present problems.

The service is not a panacea solution but it is a very powerful safety tool when used in conjunction with other procedures.

Further details can be found at:

Tim White – Marquis & Lord, Consulting Scientists

Article Contaminated Land Laboratories


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The Environment Agency have advised that a policy titled ‘Chemical Test Data on Contaminated Soils – Qualification Requirements (307_03)’ has recently been published. The purpose of the policy is to implement the ‘MCERTS Performance Standard for Laboratories Undertaking Chemical Testing of Soils’, which was published in March 2003.

Chemical test data on soils is used by the Agency to support its regulatory activities under a number of regimes, such as Part IIA of Environmental Protection Act 1990, Pollution, Prevention and Control (England and Wales Regulations) 2000 and Waste Management Licensing Regulations 1994. The Performance Standard will be applicable to all laboratories and procurers of analytical services where results generated from the chemical testing of soil are presented to the Agency for regulatory purposes. After September 2004, the Agency expects that all soil testing results submitted will be from methods which have been accredited to BS EN ISO/IEC 17025:2000 for the MCERTS performance standard.

In the interim period, it is encouraged that all data provided to the Agency should be from a testing method accredited to BS EN ISO/IEC 17025:2000 and be accompanied by a brief method description, together with bias and precision estimates.

In addition to the policy, the Agency are producing a document for those who procure soil testing, for example consultants or local authorities, titled ‘Brief guide for procurers of analytical services’ which outlines what is expected of them and why it is required. All the documents mentioned above will be available from the Agency’s MCERTS website at

Any technical queries relating to MCERTS should be addressed to Mike Healy, Technical Advisor, by email ( and queries relating to the policy itself should be directed to Nicky Skidmore, Land Contamination Policy Advisor (Nicky,

Article Contaminated Land

The Landfill Directive – Nightmare or Opportunity

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[These notes were made after attending an EIC Seminar on the Landfill Directive held on 31 March 04. They represent the view of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the AGS.]


The European Landfill Directive (EC 2003/33) is due to be transposed into UK Law by 16 July 04, and be fully effective from 16 July 05. Transition arrangements for waste acceptance criteria will be in place from July 04 to July 05.

Legislative Background

The Landfill Directive sits with the Hazardous Waste Directive and the Waste Framework Directive.

The latter two have been in force for a number of years but will be effected by the Landfill Directive.

An updated European Waste Catalogue (EWC 2002) has now been published and this sets out which materials are (or potentially are) hazardous.

The EWC gives absolute and mirror entries. Absolute are classified as hazardous irrespective of their composition whereas mirror entries need to be checked for contaminants (both type and concentration).

The classification links back to CHIP3 regulations which are published by the HSE.

Waste sent to landfill will now be classified as hazardous or non-hazardous. The use of ‘inert’ seems no longer applicable.

Waste acceptance criteria (WAC) are shortly to be approved by the European Council and these will link into the Landfill Directive. The WAC require leaching tests to be carried out and limit a number of criteria which cannot be exceeded (eg TOC never above 6%). WAC is not due to be introduced until 2005 and interim criteria will be established to fill the gap.

The principle regulations

  • Pollution Prevention and Control Act 1999

  • The Landfill (England and Wales) Regulations 2002

  • The Landfill (Scotland) Regulations 2003

  • The Landfill (England and Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2004

The Landfill Directive’s Rules

All hazardous waste sent to landfill must be pre-treated from July 04. No definition has been given as to what this means. However some reduction quantity and / or hazardous nature will have to be achieved.

Dilution (eg mixing of non-hazardous with hazardous) will be illegal from July 04.

Co-disposal is illegal from July 04 and sites will only be licensed to receive hazardous or non-hazardous. The most significant issue is that the number of sites licensed to receive hazardous waste will reduce from slightly less that 200 to about 10. Of these none re are located in Wales or the South East of England.


The latest definition of waste within the UK is that waste ‘shall mean any substance or object which the holder discards or intends or is required to discard’.

The hierarchy of waste treatment is re-use, reclaim, recover and recycle.

A waste remains as waste until complete recovery has taken place or the substance is put to its final use. It does not cease to be waste if someone intends to use it, if it has a value, if it is ready to recycle or if it is not polluting.

Environment Agency guidance indicates that all excavated contaminated land would be classified as waste.

It would appear that even excavated ‘clean’ soil on site may be classified as waste and thus and re-use would fall within the waste management licensing regulations.

What it all means

Despite the assembled hoard of experts at the Seminar, no-one really knew!

Confusion and uncertainty surround the issue, although something must happen in July to avoid serious Government embarrassment.

Some theories were:-

  • Landfill prices for hazardous waste are likely increase fourfold.

  • Haul distances will increase from an average today of 44 miles to 87 in 05.

  • Remediation by ‘dig and dump’ will become non viable in most situations

  • On-site remediation will to have increase dramatically but there is insufficient capacity in the UK to accommodate the probable demand

  • Many brownfield sites are likely to become non viable for development and consequently the Government objective of 60% development on Brownfield sites may be jeopardised.

Article Loss Prevention

Charging Interest on Late Payments

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Tim White of Marquis & Lord (Consulting Scientists) writes about his experience in maintaining a positive cash flow

  • Are you aware of your business’ legal right to claim interest on late payments from other businesses?

  • Despite all business to business transactions since August 7, 2002, being applicable, many businesses are still unaware of their rights under the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998.

  • Make sure you know about your businesses rights, and use them to help make sure you are paid on-time, every time.

These are the messages being put out by schemes promoting the use of the legislation. Many companies do not attempt to enforce their rights for fear of alienating clients. However, it is often the threat of enforcement of this statutory right which can improve your cash flow [This has been the experience of Marquis & Lord]. In all but a few cases late payment is as results of slipshod or non existent purchasing procedures in client organisations, rather than any malicious attempt to defraud. The constant threat of late payment charges causing embarrassment to the purchaser, for unauthorised expenditure, does wanders for their concentration in terms of ensuring prompt payment processing.

It is the ability to claim interest rather than the act of enforcement that has the most benefit. However, there are some pitfalls that must be avoided.

  1. Prior notice of your intent to invoke your rights under the Late Payment of Commercial Dept Act 1998 must be given prior to the issuing of an invoice.

  2. If you link your interest charges to an index bee sure to change your finance charge rate when the index alters, otherwise criticism could affect your chances of recovery.

  3. Keep the message live, i.e. make sure you mention your policy in your terms and conditions and place a footnote on every invoice.

  4. Send out statements of account two weeks before the payment is due carrying the same warning message that interest will be charged on late payment.

  5. Do not be shy about sending out invoices for interest charges, but do put a limit on their value; for example do not send them out for less than a minimum sum determined by you as a matter of policy.

If you feel uncomfortable about the process think of how you feel when you get your credit card bill and a finance charge has been applied. You don’t stop using it do you?

Finally, the practice of charging for late payment can have one supreme advantage if you are forced to negotiate payment of fees, for example if a client is in receivership, it is far less painful to accede to a lower amount than original charged if you can agree to write off the interest and get what you originally asked for.

Article Loss Prevention

Code of practice for legal admissibility and evidential weight of information stored electronically

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Will the law admit your evidence?

Many AGS Members prepare reports which may have evidential weight. They may be backed by digital photographs or other electronically stored information. What measures need to be taken to ensure that these documents will be legally admissible should the need arise? a new document has been published by BSI in recognition of the large number of implementations of electronic information management systems, and of the continuing uncertainty about the legal acceptability of information stored on these systems. It provides good practice guidance for the electronic creation, storage and retrieval of information and practical advice and examples to assist you in increasing the evidential weight of your electronically stored information.

On a broader front, information is an asset and companies are increasingly committing key records and documents to electronic media. The application of electronic information management systems is changing the way in which many aspects of business and organizational life are operated, and is creating an electronic legacy for their successors.

This publication provides a framework and guidelines that identify key areas of good practice for the implementation and operation of electronic storage systems, whether or not any information held therein is ever required as evidence in event of a dispute. As such, compliance with this Code should be regarded as a demonstration of responsible business management.


  • Duty of care

  • Procedures and processes

  • Enabling technologies

  • Audit trails

  • Records management

  • Example information management

Ref: BIP 0008: Code of practice for legal admissibility and evidential weight of information stored electronically. Price: £55 

To purchase a hard copy of this publication, please contact BSI Customer Services on +44 (0)20 8996 9001 or email cservices@bsi–

Note: This document is very highly recommended by Steven Francis, chairman of the AGS Loss Prevention WG

Article Business Practice Contaminated Land Loss Prevention

Notes on Asbestos liability and Insurance Issues

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From ABI Seminar on the availability of insurance for asbestos related risks and the impact of the new asbestos regulations

The ABI provided a series of well qualified and experienced speakers to address this topic from a selection of viewpoints. The delegates fortunate enough to attend came from a wide range of professions including consulting engineers, construction contractors, insurance brokers, insurance underwriters, research bodies, trade associations, government agencies, solicitors, surveyors asbestos removal contractors, regulators and analytical laboratories.

The scene was set by Bill MacDonald of the HSE who outlined the historic and future problems associated with asbestos. Currently asbestos related deaths run to around 3500 in the UK and are expected to rise until 2011, when the effects of improved working conditions and asbestos prohibitions will begin to kick in. However the nature of how the effects will diminish cannot be predicted. The new Regulations (Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations, 2002) react to conditions now, which indicate the greatest risk is due to occupational exposure within buildings, especially for workmen involved in internal and maintenance trades. The Regulations only apply to non-domestic properties

The Regulations impose a ‘Duty to Manage’ asbestos risk by assessing existing conditions, recording the findings, preparing action and management plans and advising/cooperating with others with respect to asbestos risks. The ‘Duty Holder’ is the person with contractual responsibility for maintenance repair of the building and may be the owner, occupier, managing agent, but in all cases will be ‘in control’ of the building.

The HSE advice is to: Adopt precautionary approach -NOW Carry out condition surveys – SOON Plan compliance strategy -START NOW These should take into account that compliance is a rolling process and that expenditure should be proportional to the level of risk. The HSE website has relevant information and guidance HSE Information line 08701 545500

The background to why asbestos has become a major insurance issues was provided by Helen Hatchek of Royal Sun Alliance. The asbestos insurance market is global and it is the influence of the US experience, which is driving the market at present. Public liability claims are currently at $200 Billion and rising (equivalent to the twin towers x2), with average claims T $6-6.5Million. Under US law, most claims fall under public/product liability as employers cannot be sued. As such all industries in the supply chain are potentially affected. Class actions are normal, and due to joint and several liability, claimants target the defendant with most ‘funds available’. There has also been successful ‘unimpaired’ health claims, where compensation has been awarded for ‘worry’/ stress and cost of on-going health screening.

Although, all claims to date are related to Employers liability and judges currently set awards which is less emotive that those set by a jury, the UK market is showing signs of following the US. This has led to concern that additional claims may arise through public liability due to subrogation from Employers liability claims, ‘shake-down’, neighbours, product liability and corporate responsibility. The market has reacted by re-insurers excluding asbestos in its entirety, insurers have introduced exclusion and limitation wordings and in a market of declining appetite, some insurers have removed all cover, leaving limited availability.

Matt Farman of Howden Insurance Brokers discussed the developments in the PI market. They offer a bespoke scheme for UKAS accredited laboratories.

The current insurance market is hard with high premiums and restricted cover, but it should be borne in mind that insurers are commercial bodies and do not need to be exposed to high risks. Asbestos exclusions appeared in 2003, driven by the re-insurance market in light of huge asbestos related claims and losses suffered by the Employers Liability and Public Liability insurers worldwide, with an even more unsure future. In 2003 RICS voiced concerns about the lack of asbestos cover and set up a working party .to find a solution. This involved the asbestos cover being excluded by the re-insurers but with a ‘write-back’ clause added by the insurers reinstating some limited and very restricted cover. Typically this is around £250,000 on aggregate, ie the re-insurance limit. It is generally only available at the discretion of the insurers. The cover is limited to claims arising from negligence for rectification, remediation and loss in value, but excludes consequential loss and any form of bodily injury.

In the same way that ‘Pollution and contamination’ cover was originally withdrawn and the market softened so that it is now currently available on a restricted and ‘aggregated’ basis, asbestos cover may follow the same path, depending on how the re-insurance market responds to future events and information. However, in order to achieve the best available cover currently, professionals, their governing bodies and trade associations need to be pro-active to demonstrate sensible levels of risk assessment and management. This may include only offering suitable terms and conditions to clients, with restricted cover based on a multiple of fees and excluding consequential loss, using only experienced and qualified staff.

Insurance from a buyers perspective was discussed by Kevin Goodwin of AIRMIC Contractors Group. He noted that insurance was generally not available, but due to time lags over renewal dates, some contractors still had cover whilst others were unable to provide on-going cover, except where a ‘write-back’ clause could be negotiated. There is also a wide variation in the exclusion clauses seen with no apparent consistency.

In France and Germany, the problem is being addressed by government funding being provided to cover personal injury asbestos claims, but the UK government has not shown any sign of adopting a similar approach. Indeed, tightened regulations, which generate more asbestos ‘activity’, have coincided with the insurers pulling out of that market.

Liabilities with respect to asbestos for many can arise from a variety of sources. Typically those most affected are likely to be employers/property owners, consultants, contractors (licensed or not) and facilities manager. Insurance policies in all areas have responded to the asbestos risk.

Employers Liability:   may exclude asbestos cover, but cover may be found based on demonstrable risk management, but unlikely for asbestos contractors.

Public Liability: possible total exclusions, of which there are numerous versions, with possible ‘write-backs’.

Professional Indemnity: check wording of exclusions, PI liability will probably be covered but all health hazard risk excluded.

Director and Officer Insurance: -exclusions possible. Beware of clauses such as ‘Board’s failure to act under Regulations.’failure to maintain insurance’ (which may not be available!),

Beware of ‘silence’ within any policy. This should be queried.

In all cases, to demonstrate risk management to be able to obtain the best terms available, compliance with Regulations 9,10 and 15 of the CAWR 2002 will be essential ie employer ensuring adequate training of staff, and limiting potential exposure to minimum levels. However, where insurance is difficult and costly to obtain, there is potential for growth of the ‘black market’ contractors, ie with no insurance.

Roger Flaxman explained how RICS, as a professional body representing members dealing with asbestos, are approaching the problem associated with lack of available cover for its membership. Generally chartered surveyors face a high risk/reward ratio and are in competition with lesser qualified /experienced ‘inspectors’. P402 is seen as a low technical standard and RICS members believe that they would be expected to provide a higher standard. If the surveyors work to a higher standard and hence risks are reduced, proof of this should make obtaining affordable insurance a greater possibility. To this end RICS have introduced the National Individual Asbestos Certification Scheme (NIACS). This requires proof of suitable professional qualifications as a foundation to membership, supported by increased training requirements, and individuals (not forms) being examined and audited on technical capability related to both asbestos and building construction. It is further proposed that the NIAS qualification will be linked to UKAS accreditation.


The introduction of the CAWR Regs 2002 has coincided with re-insurers withdrawing from the asbestos insurance markets due to a huge potential for future asbestos related claims worldwide. This has resulted in insurance policies all excluding asbestos. The only way cover can be obtained is under ‘write back’ clauses where insurers provide very restricted and limited cover aggregated within the limit of the re-insurance requirements. This cover does not include any bodily injury claims. This insurance is also only available at the discretion of the insurers , typically to established clients who have a good no-claims record and demonstrate an adequate level of risk assessment and management with respect to asbestos.

The market is currently uncertain and therefore hard. Once the true level of risk becomes clearer and the insurance purchasers recognise that there is an onus on them to educate the insurers and re-insurers of the actual asbestos related activities and associated risks for which cover is required, it may be possible to purchase more bespoke cover. This is the aim of qualifications such NIACS as proposed by the RICS.

However it is unlikely that cover for ‘bodily injury’ will ever become available and there is a case for governmental provision to cover some of the future uninsurable compensation claims arising from asbestos issues.

Report by Jo Strange Card Geotechnics

Footnote: Policy wordings are very variable and must be studied carefully.

Article Business Practice Loss Prevention

Electronic Tenders and Email

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Both the Loss Prevention WG and the Business Practice WG have raised questions about e-business and email that highlight a degree of confusion and uncertainty in this area.

If you share this sentiment, you will be interested in guidance from the Construction Industry Council (CIC). This can be found on the website: and following the links to liability/contracts.

The publication ‘e-Business or e-Business’ contains links to answer a number of pressing questions which include:-

Setting up a Website eMAIL
Formation extranets
eRetention & Archiving
Computer Disposal
Relevant Legislation/Codes of Practice

A useful list of publications for purchase or free download can be found there, including the new collateral warranty for consultants and a new liability briefing which is worthy of further study entitled ‘Managing liability through financial caps’

Note: The CIC is the representative forum for the industry’s professional bodies, research organisations and specialist trade associations. The AGS is a Member via its membership of The Ground Forum.

Article Business Practice Contaminated Land

Cover systems for land regeneration

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The report prepared by RSK ENSR on behalf of the AGS in partnership with the BRE is now available.

Cover systems are used to reduce the hazard to human health and provide a medium for plant growth by providing a layer of clean material over contaminated ground. However, their design has often been ad hoc, with no overall consistency of approach in the specification of thickness, the quality of material that is acceptable, or the degree of protection for which they are intended. Designs which are too thick result in unnecessary cost, but those that are inadequate may not provide sufficient protection. The Guide will facilitate the design of a cost effective and satisfactory system.

The Guide is accompanied by a CD-ROM will includes a calculation tool to determine the required thickness and a PowerPoint presentation to help the user understand the key aspects of cover systems.

The guide is available to AGS Members at the special price of £48 (+VAT and postage and packing) from BRE Bookshop – Tel: 020 7505 6622

Article Business Practice Executive Safety

CSCS – What you need to know

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The CSCS Scheme was set up in 1995 and there are currently more than 600,000 card holders covering more than 170 occupations. The aim of the scheme is to reduce accidents, improve quality and to drive out the cowboy element. After a relatively slow start, the initiative was given a huge boost by the decision of the Major Contractors Group (MCG) to work towards a 100% carded workforce by 1 January 2004. Other large contractors and many clients have adopted similar policies. Although there is no legal requirement to carry a CSCS card – and the scheme is voluntary – anyone going on site either on a regular basis, or as a visitor, may find their entry is barred (or their movements restricted) if they cannot show one.

The nuts and bolts of the CSCS Scheme

To obtain a card all candidates must demonstrate competence in health and safety on site, and most have to demonstrate competence in their trade or profession.

1.    Safety: The safety requirement is normally fulfilled via a multiple choice touch screen test taken at the DVLC test centres. The test must be re-taken when the card is renewed.

(Note: Although this is sufficient for CSCS purposes, it does not absolve the employer from providing adequate safety training and employers should continue to provide safety awareness and other safety training (eg tool box talks) as appropriate.)

2.   Competence: CSCS cards are linked to National Vocational Qualifications and Scottish Vocational Qualifications and CSCS considers these are the benchmark for demonstrating competence. In general, if no NVQ/SVQ exists – there is no card. This applies equally to site operatives and to management grades up to NVQ Level 5 (ie up to and beyond degree level).

Routes to demonstrating competence

Trainee: A Trainee Card (Craft and Operative) is available for those registered for an NVQ/SVQ Level 2 or 3 but who have not yet obtained the qualification. It expires after 3 years. A Trainee Card (Technical, Supervisory & Management) shows that the holder is registered with a further/high education college for a national recognised construction relation qualification, or has completed such a course within the last 2 years. The card expires after 3 years and can be renewed for a further 3.

NVQ/SVQ: A skilled card is issued to NVQ/SVQ achievers whose occupation is available for CSCS. Cards are valid for 5 years.

Industry Accreditation (Grandfather Rights): This route is only open for some occupations (eg the BDA has decided that it should not be open to drillers) and is only available for a 2 year period after the CSCS Scheme is opened to a particular occupation. The application form must include a recommendation from the present or previous employer. The card is valid for 5 years and can be renewed by getting an employer’s recommendation.

BE AWARE that the industry accreditation period for Civil & Structural Engineering Designer has already ended and those for Civil Engineering Site Manager (and Supervisor), and Construction Plant and Equipment Manager (and Supervisor) end on 17 June 2004.

Experienced Worker: For people who do not have an NVQ/SVQ where there is no industry accreditation or where the industry accreditation period has ended . An employer declaration is needed (as for Industry Accreditation) and the holder must be registered for an NVQ/SVQ at level 2 or 3. The card expires after 3 years – it cannot be renewed.

Construction Site Operative Card: Acts as an identification card (ie not a competence card) for those who have achieved NVQ/SVQ Level 1 in a number of occupations including land drilling, specialist plant machinery operations, and underpinning operations. It can also be achieved by industry accreditation. It lasts for 5 years.

When no CSCS Card exists

When no card exists, a Regular Visitor card can be obtained. This requires the health and safety test only. They are best used with a ‘letter of non-availability’ which will be issued by CSCS on request to confirm that no card exists for a particular occupation.

This should not be confused with the Occasional Visitor card which will be issued at the site gate and carries no requirement for a health and safety test. They are issued under contractors’ own site rules and are not an option for someone needing to work on site.


The link between CSCS and NVQ/SVQ also applies to professionals. There are 33 occupations for which Technician, Supervisor and Manager level cards are available. These include: Building Site Supervisor; Contracts Manager; Civil Engineering Site Supervisor; Civil Engineering Site Manager; Construction Plant and Equipment Supervisor; Construction Plant and Equipment Manager; Civil and Structural Engineering Designer; Estimator (Construction); Estimating Assistant (Construction); Health and Safety Officer; Health and Safety Manager; Environmental Manager (Construction); Quality Manager (Construction); Laboratory Technician.

A CIC/CSCS Working Group has been engaged in pilot projects to map equivalence of Professional Membership of some institutions and the relevant NVQ/SVQ standards. Once approved, this will give new and existing Chartered Members of that occupation a route for obtaining a CSCS card. It will require two authorisations – one from the employer and one from the professional institution – to confirm that the applicant has met the professional knowledge requirements, has a minimum of 1 year site experience, and is up to date with CDP requirements. The ICE is one of the pilot institutions (for Construction Site Manager and Construction Site Supervisors ) and this route became available in April 2004 (for these occupations only – other occupations still have to be mapped.)

Professionals who are not Chartered will not be able to use this route and will only be able to obtain cards via the normal NVQ/SVQ routes (or industry accreditation routes while they are open).

Laboratory Assistants and Technicians

Two new NVQs/SVQs for Laboratory Assistants (Level 2) and Laboratory Technicians (Level 3) have recently been introduced and CSCS cards are now available for these occupations. There is some debate about their applicability to site investigation staff – but some companies may decide that they are an acceptable route. The industry accreditation period is already running and will end on 31 August 2005. Those considering the issue should remember that after this date the only way to obtain the card will be by obtaining the NVQ/SVQ.

Those wishing to apply to CSCS for a non-availability letter to use in conjunction with a Regular Visitor Card might need to argue that the NVQ/SVQ is too general and too broad for the purposes of site investigation. To avoid confusion with the Laboratory Assistant CSCS card, the term Geo-technician (site sampling and testing) might usefully be used.


Drillers with an NVQ/SVQ can obtain a card through the usual routes. Those without the qualification will need an Experienced Worker Card while preparing for the NVQ/SVQ.


It is increasingly likely that clients and contractors will expect everyone coming to site to hold a CSCS card. Non card holders may find it difficult, or even impossible to enter the site and may find that site rules require them to be accompanied at all times.

The options appear to be:

  • obtain a card via Industry Accreditation if this is still open for the relevant occupation.

  • obtain a Construction Site Manager or Construction Site Supervisor Card through the Professional Institution route – where the holder is a Member of the ICE (or CIOB) and the occupation is appropriate

  • obtain cards through the NVQ/SVQ routes (using the Trainee or Experienced Worker cards as interim measures while the NVQ/SVQ is being obtained).

  • obtain a Regular Visitor Card and a letter of non-availability from CSCS for those occupations where no suitable card exists

For further information contact the CSCS Helpdesk on 01485 578 777 between 8am and 6pm Monday to Friday.

Article Contaminated Land Laboratories Loss Prevention

Letter to the Editor

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Dear AGS,

Are AGS Members aware of the potential impact Japanese Knotweed (JKW) may have on the development of sites?

If this is not identified when carrying out walk over surveys and ground investigations, the additional cost to the client of clearing the plant from site and the possibility that the ‘Ground Investigation Specialist’ could be blamed for not identifying it in the first place as a potential ‘contaminant’, could result in significant potential liabilities, e.g. A site in the Midlands is currently clearing JKW off site at a cost of over £250,000, as an extra over cost!

The AGS and current British Standards for ground investigation (reporting guidelines) do not appear to specifically cover such potential ‘contaminants’. Should we not be providing advice to both Geotechnical/ Geo- Environmental specialists/ Clients etc in how to identify these invasive plants or at least provide them with guidance as to what specialists should be appointed to identify and deal with such problems? Is this part of our role? What do members think? The EA currently provide guidance notes on their web site

In addition the implications of a ground investigation contractor spreading the JKW by vehicle wheels/tracks, samples etc could again be costly. Whilst this weed is widely distributed in Cornwall and Wales, its encroachment into other parts of the UK is rapid.

Any comments or discussion back would be appreciated.
Chris Eaton, Geotechnical Developments (UK) Ltd

A Knotty Problem

Japanese Knotweed is an invasive perennial that can hinder the growth of many native species of plant. It can grow to around 3m high and expands rapidly once it takes hold of a site.

Japanese Knotweed was introduced to the UK during the 19th century as an ornamental plant and can be spread easily from the movement of contaminated soil. The plant is characterised by thick canes with red shoots and bears white flowers. It is notoriously robust and can survive being cut back due to an extensive underground root system.

The Wildlife & Countryside Act of 1981 makes it an offence to spread Japanese Knotweed and any excavated soil that is taken off site must be disposed of at a licensed landfill site.

The Environment Agency website: contains very useful information about knotweed, how to deal with it, and what precautions need to be taken if it is encountered on site

Article Contaminated Land Laboratories Safety

What Is Finalling?

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In future the NHBC will adopt a consistent approach to determining what will and what will not prevent the necessary confirmation that a warranty is in place. In order to facilitate this, any outstanding information, defective design or non-compliance with standards on site must be classified as either RED (prevents warranty) or GREEN (will not prevent warranty) by applying the following sequential logic test:

Will the outstanding issue result in:-

1. A risk to health and safety?
2. A claim against the warranty?
3. Significant disruption to the occupier (in order to rectify the issue)?

If the answer to any of the above questions is yes then the item will be classified as RED and confirmation that a full warranty will be in place will be withheld until the relevant issue is resolved. If the answer to the three standard questions is no then the item will be classified GREEN and confirmation would be provided. It remains the builder’s responsibility to address any outstanding Green issues.

In relation to design issues, inadequate or unsatisfactory information is generally the reason preventing a warranty being in place. Hazards where information will normally be requested by NHBC Engineering include:-

High water table, Made Ground, Mining or other Cavities, Multiple Hazard, Peat, Soft Ground, Steep Slopes (more than 1 in 10), Sulphates, Landfill gas and Peat, Contaminated Land other than Landfill Gas.

Geotechnical site investigation report, gas test results and proposals for gas membranes received from a builder for a site with known made ground, past shallow mining and within 250m of a landfill site.

Mining report and foundation proposals not received, therefore fails the logic test and hence would be classified as RED until such information is received and approved.

Article Business Practice Data Management

The CML initiative – how does it affect geo-specialists?

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In order to prevent homes being sold and occupied before completion, the Council of Mortgage Lenders (CML) initiative was implemented in April 2003 and has wide ranging implications for anyone involved in property transactions involving brownfield sites, and in particular house builders. Before providing a mortgage on a property, funders now require confirmation by solicitors and licensed conveyors acting on behalf of purchasers, that a new property has been signed off or ‘finalled’ (see below) and has a full warranty in place. This is often an NHBC warranty or similar from another warranty provider.

Prior to April 2003, the standard approach to brownfield redevelopment was to remediate the site with development progressing behind the remediation works as sections of the site are completed. It is usual to carry out appropriate validation testing by a third party, typically a geo-environmental consultant, to demonstrate compliance with outstanding planning conditions relating to contamination. On completion of the whole site, the planning authority and its statutory consultees, including the Environment Agency, would then review the validation data and indicate their acceptance of the work as complying with the relevant planning conditions. In addition the consultant responsible for the validation process may also have been required to complete an NHBC Form of Validation, or similar, to enable the developer to obtain a warranty for the property. Therefore, on medium size and large developments, many of the properties would be completed and occupied before the site warranty was signed off. This will no longer be possible.

In order to prevent developments becoming unmortgageable, remediation designers need to take a staged approach to both remediation works and validation, so that sites can be completed in sections. Each section is then signed off individually on completion. However, this approach has to be agreed in advance with the Regulators so that the implications of phasing on both completed areas and on-going remediation works can be considered.

It is suggested that phasing is introduced as a concept in any remediation statements and mirrored in planning applications, to avoid any future confusion as to how the site is to be redeveloped and released for sale. This may have been implied previously, but must now be clearly identified in development and remediation proposals. This places an onus on developers to have well developed plans before planning submission, where possible, so that changes to proposed phasing are minimised, or to ensure that proposals are sufficiently flexible to incorporate future changes, without compromising previously ‘approved’ phasing and remediation methodologies.

Similarly, environmental consultants acting on behalf of developers should include reference to validation also being completed in phases. In this case, validation documents may be structured such that they can be issued in sections relating to each individual phase. For large projects the validation report may be a series of volumes or a ‘log book’ style document with several addenda.

By taking this approach, which in reality only represents a minor but potentially critical modification of previous protocols, the planning authority and statutory consulates will be accepting the premise of staged development and validation and should be well placed to be able to sign off planning conditions piecemeal. As a result, delays to ‘finalling’ and the all-important sale should be prevented.

Jo Strange Card Geotechnics Limited