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AGS Piling (Draft)

AGS piling is the working title for a data transfer format for piling data which includes design schedule information, the construction record and as built information.

It is being developed by the AGS Data Management Working Group, in collaboration with the Federation of Piling Specialists (FPS), with support from the Deep Foundations Institute (DFI).

The development, implementation and support to AGS piling is set out on a roadmap, available here:

Draft documentation for AGS Piling has been developed and issued for industry comment.

  • The current draft, v0.4.0 issued December 2023, can be downloaded from here.
  • The previous version (Draft3, March 2021) can be downloaded from here.

The introductory notes within the documentation provide further background and information.

A cross-discipline working group has been formed to continue the development of AGS Piling towards a formal release. This operates as a specialist subgroup of the AGS Data Management Working Group and includes representatives from the FPS.

We are keen to receive feedback on the draft, or your thoughts on the general concept of AGS Piling. Use the form below to get in contact with us, or start a thread on the Discussion Forum, using the ‘AGS Piling’ category.

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