Working Group Development Fund

Strategic Plan

In the last couple of years, the AGS have generated a surplus. To ensure this surplus is used, we created ‘The AGS Development Fund’, for the exclusive use of industry initiatives. This fund will be augmented annually and drawn down as required to fund projects which will benefit our members and industry. A steering committee has been established from across the AGS working groups and this committee will manage and allocate funding, following approvals from the Executive Committee.

To date, funding has been allocated to the AGS Early Career Video, revision of the Blue Book (Effective Site Investigation), AGS soakaway project and participation in the Geoprofessional Business Association Conference.

We are reaching out to our membership for ideas and proposals for projects. If you have a potential project, or would like to see something researched / funded, please contact the AGS by e-mailing, with details for the steering group to consider.

Applications will be considered every 6 months in January and July. The next deadline for applications is 4th July 2025.


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AGS Development Fund

The Association of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Specialists (AGS) is a not-for-profit trade association established to improve the profile and quality of geotechnical…


Anthony Elkins Hydrock Consultants Ltd
Dimitris Xirouchakis Structural Soils Ltd
Georgina Donbroski RSK Environment Ltd
AGS Contaminated Land WG Leader Geraint Williams HKA Global Ltd
AGS Data Management WG Leader Jackie Bland Structural Soils Ltd
Tim Clegg Geosense Ltd
AGS Chair Vivien Dent Specialist member / Environment Agency