The Association of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Specialists’ (AGS) Guidance on ground investigation activities provide advice for Clients, specifiers and procurers to direct their approach to identifying and control the risks associated with this activity.
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) publish guidance to assist employers in implementing the minimum legal requirements imposed on them by Acts, Statutes and Regulations. The HSE cannot publish guidance specific to any industry and as such, industry bodies such as the British Standards Institute, AGS and the British Drilling Association (BDA) create the benchmark for good practice. Following guidance is not a legal requirement but the HSE advise that if you do follow it, you should be doing enough to comply with the law. However, should you not follow guidance, and experience a negative event, you may be exposed to a torte of negligence under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974.
This guidance document, prepared by a working group of industry safety professionals and specialists, informs the Client and Principal Designer of the current industry good practice to plan, review and monitor the safe operation of their Principal Contractor. This document does not discharge a Principal Contractor or Contractor of their legal onus.
This document sets out what, in the opinion of the working group, was good industry practice, and current at the time of writing. It does not and is not intended to cover every situation that could be encountered. In preparing this document, it is assumed that it will be used by competent persons who will understand the advice and are able to apply it, and adapt it, if necessary, to their circumstance.