

Article Katie Kennedy

Q&A with David Hutchinson

Name:  David Hutchinson Job Title:  Route Asset Manager (Geotechnics) – Now retired Company:  Network Rail Infrastructure Limited During my geotechnical career I…

News Katie Kennedy

AGS Magazine – November 2020

The Association of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Specialists are pleased to announce the November 2020 issue of their publication; AGS Magazine. To view…

Article Katie Kennedy

Q&A with Madeleine Bardsley

Full Name: Madeleine Bardsley Job Title: Associate Director Company: Wood Group I have spent 20 years in geoenvironmental consultancy.  My first taste…

Article Katie Kennedy

AGS Yellow Book Photography Competition

The AGS are holding a photography competition to source a potential cover for the third edition of the UK Specification for Ground…

News Katie Kennedy

AGS Magazine: September / October 2020

The Association of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Specialists are pleased to announce the September / October 2020 issue of their publication; AGS Magazine.…

Article Katie Kennedy

Q&A with Jonathan Gammon

Full Name: Jonathan Robert Arthur Gammon Job Title: Non-Executive Director / Advisor Company: Geotechnical Observations Limited (GeO) I am very fortunate to…

Article Katie Kennedy

Inside Datgel

Name: Phil Wade Job title: Managing Director Company name: Datgel What does the company do and what areas does it specialise in?…

Article Katie Kennedy

Better Risk Management in Ground Engineering

Article provided by Phil Hines, Federation of Piling Specialists Almost all construction experts agree that the greatest risk to a construction project…

Article Katie Kennedy

AGS Helplines

Currently the AGS offer helplines to all Member companies and practitioners with respect to: the AGS Data Format (the discussion forum on…

Article Katie Kennedy

Coal Authority and Mining Risk Assessment

Background An AGS Member Company has raised concerns regarding the Coal Authority and Coal Mining Risk Assessments (CMRAs).  In summary, those concerns…

Article Report Katie Kennedy

AGS Loss Prevention WG – Update

Hugh Mallett, AGS Loss Prevention Working Group Leader, has provided an overview on the groups top three items which were discussed at…

Article Katie Kennedy

AGS Helplines

All Members of the Association of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Specialists are entitled to free chemical and contractual advice through the use of…

News Caroline Kratz

AGS Diversity Statement

The AGS is a non-profit trade association that is managed by elected individuals from member organisations, none of whom are paid by…

Article Report Katie Kennedy

AGS Safety WG – Update

Roseanna Bloxham, AGS Safety Working Group Leader, has provided an update from the Groups most recent meeting, which was held virtually on…