

Report Ciaran Jennings

Laboratories Working Group Report

John Powell, Chairman, Laboratories Working Group writes: The meeting had 8 member attendees  and 7 apologies. BSI Committee B/526/3 Revision of BS5930:…

Report Ciaran Jennings

Safety Group Report

Julian Lovell, Chairman, AGS Safety Working Group writes: Below is the latest report from our Safety Group which this quarter has been…

Report Ciaran Jennings

Loss Prevention Working Group Report

Hugh Mallett, Chairman LPWG writes: The group is drafting articles and guidance on a number of issues that are important to AGS…

Report Ciaran Jennings

Contaminated Land Working Group Report

Neil Parry, Chairman, CLG writes: Our last meeting was held on 10th January 2015, 17 members attended. Below is a summary of…

Article Ann-Marie Casserly

BIM Regional Hubs Events

A BIM Focus Learning or extending your Building Information Modelling (BIM) knowledge through the BIM Hubs In line with the launch of…

Article Ann-Marie Casserly

BGS Question and Answer

BGS – Legal Obligations Regarding Drilling Many Members of the AGS received a letter on the 31st May referring to legal obligations…

Article Ann-Marie Casserly

Eurocode Readers Question

AGS Comment on Geotechnical Sampling to Eurocode 7 In the September 2011 issue of the AGS Newsletter “ Advice to AGS Members…

Article Ann-Marie Casserly

Visa for Geoprofessionals

The Shortage Occupation List  maintained by the UK Boarder Agency (UKBA) identifies those job titles which are officially considered to be in…

Article Ann-Marie Casserly

University Meets Industry

Engineering Geology and Geotechnical Engineering MSc courses – what is the problem? A recent meeting arranged by the AGS on behalf of…

Article Ann-Marie Casserly

Eurocode 7 the Attachments

An update on progress John Powell – Technical Director Geolabs and Independent Consultant David Norbury – Independent Consultant We trust that by…

Article Ann-Marie Casserly

NHBC’s Role in Developing Hazardous Sites

NHBC (National House-Building Council) is the standard setting body and the leading warranty and insurance provider for new and newly converted homes…

Article Ann-Marie Casserly

Asbestos PII Update

The subject of asbestos cover is one that has been in the spotlight for many years since the restriction (and in some…

Article Ann-Marie Casserly

Asbestos in Soil

The AGS is active in establishing industry guidance for asbestos in soils. The CLWG and LPWG have formed a small sub-group to…

Article Ann-Marie Casserly

On Stony Ground

How standardised is MCerts analysis in stony samples?  Despite articles such as that by Mark Perrin (Ground Engineering, April 2007), many engineers,…

Article Ann-Marie Casserly

BS 10175 Updated

BS 10175:2011 (Investigation of Potentially Contaminated Sites – Code of Practice) was published in March 2011. It is much improved compared to…