
The Value in Ground Engineering

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Now more than twenty years ago in his review in rethinking construction, Egan said that the construction industry at its best is excellent, but at the time of his review there was concern that it was underachieving and needed to deliver more inherent value. His conclusions also highlighted that the industry in general needs to educate and help its clients to differentiate between best value and price. The same conclusions apply to the Ground Engineering industry, in fact more so since unlike other products of construction built out of the ground, almost all our work is usually concealed from sight, in the ground. For us as an industry then, there really is an imperative to be able to provide evidence and compelling description of our value. Without doubt we are aware of this and often internally discuss this, but our mission is to take this external and present the evidence in terms and language that is understood by our clients and multi-disciplinary partners who hopefully become our advocates.

So, what is value? Clearly value is not necessarily the lowest cost or the quickest solution. A straw poll of leaders in major infrastructure yielded responses along the lines of value being ‘…the most effective way to achieve an outcome with legacy being important…’ This description highlights need for definition of outcome to measure ultimate success, optioneering to assess the most efficient or effective approaches to get there, and an eye on the timeline and downstream benefits. It’s arguably the journey to the outcome and downstream legacy benefits where we need to work most to ensure that counterparts and clients understand the value of our work.

Certainly, in the public sector, delivery of an outcome is rightly increasingly emphasising more than just simply cost with a move away from just transactional business to integrated, collaborative outcomes-focused delivery. Social value is often mentioned in tender criteria for ground engineering work, but a blended approach considering all of the Capitals is the direction of travel in major project procurement, these being human, manufactured, financial, natural, social and intellectual. Our industry regularly makes substantial contributions in all the Capitals areas, and especially in the circular economy, but would benefit from work, perhaps most appropriately initiated by the AGS, to measure and document outcomes more explicitly against these criteria in an array of common project tasks, building a body of compelling case study evidence. This would need to be accessible in the widest sense, kept current and be in those common areas that the target audience can easily relate to in language they appreciate. Doing so would probably place us at the forefront of the construction industry ahead of our colleagues in other related disciplines but we need it more given our benefits to a project are usually less obvious as noted above, unlike architecture, structural or civil engineering.

A decade ago the Waste Resources Action Programme (WRAP) initiated a study with similar intent, advocating for the use of geosystems in civil engineering applications. The primary objective was reduction of wastage but this was to be achieved by greater knowledge and use of engineered geosystems (geosynthetics) as actually selected alternative options to conventional ground engineering construction approaches. In doing so this raised the profile of the geosynthetics industry principally through the presentation of case studies quantifying cost, time and environmental benefits by evaluation against more conventional construction approaches. The guidance was presented in an accessible way with information that clients and the developer market could relate to by including non-technical information and quantification in directly relevant terms, these being mainly financial savings.

Quantifying the benefits, the information was compelling mainly from identifying, especially in time and cost terms, the advantages of re-using site-won spoil which would otherwise have been sent to landfill and substituted for imported higher specification aggregates as well as high carbon steel and concrete. Case studies included back analysis of actual construction of environmental, financial and carbon cost of works including a grade separated highway interchange, a noise/environmental bund, retaining walls and fill platforms as compared to the delivery of the initial design. The study did present challenges in compiling evidence in that initial design information was sometimes not developed in detail and required reasonable assumptions in quantities to derive environmental and financial costs. However, the outcomes were nevertheless clear in terms of potential benefits.

Refreshed and expanded upon, this approach could be used as a template for building information on the benefits that the ground engineering industry brings, by utilising case studies underpinning common themes with clients. Current conversations within our industry are commonly too internally-focused, and availability of this type of information is invaluable to allow us to take our regular conversations externally and talk in those terms clients, counterparts, developers and, for that matter, the general public understand. Generally, the industry has a wealth of experience in the benefits of various ground engineering tasks which are almost waiting to be documented.

Case studies could include several case studies valuing a focused and appropriate site investigation versus the usual acknowledgement by decision-makers on the ‘need for boreholes’ without understanding the specific direct downstream benefits these provide in risk mitigation and options for geotechnical design and the opportunities for more sustainable or innovative solutions. They may also include common work in optimising retaining walls through further analysis and the direct opportunity to slim down or shallow the wall through more analysis. Ground improvement is essentially entirely directed to optimisation of shallow foundations and surely would be more commonly used or requested if information on applicability and advantages was better described in a non-technical and quantified way. Earthworks and re-use of materials is an area where there is perhaps most to gain through this approach.

In summary then, surely with the tools and knowledge we now have and routinely use, the time is ripe for us to take the initiative and move one step further in talking about value with our clients, regularly including specific value statements in our work, describing short term investment for longer term gain, development of non-technical guidance documents to demystify the industry, surveying our clients to let them know we’re serious in focusing on our customers and solicit areas for work to improve our offering, creating a collective compendium of quantified case studies identifying the value that the ground engineering industry contributes to society including the value ground engineering can bring to enhancing sustainable solutions. Some of this the AGS has certainly initiated but is this not a wider role for the AGS to initiate through a working party or similar?

Remembering the sage-like but obvious conclusion from Egan, we as specialists need to educate and help our clients differentiate between value and lowest price.

Article provided by Patrick Cox, Director Major Projects at AECOM

Article Report Data Management

AGS Data Management Working Group Update

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Jackie Bland, Leader of the Data Management Working Group, has provided an update on the top issues the Data Management Working Group discussed at their last meeting which took place on 18th September 2019.

Release of AGS4.1
The Data Management Working Group are in the process of working on AGS4.1 which is due to be released at the AGS Data Format Conference in 2020. As standards are changing, the group need to ensure that all data can be transferred between relevant parties. We also need to be aware that perhaps different methodologies may be required in future for transferring this data. The update to AGS4.1 is important to members of the AGS because frustratingly large costs can be incurred in bespoke system design where there are no appropriate or specific locations within the format to store the data. It’s preferable that everyone follows a standard within the industry and therefore the same update can be applied to all software packages capable of receiving or producing AGS digital data.

Release of AGSi
AGSi is almost ready for beta publication in 2020. AGSi has been developed by the Data Management Working Group over the last few years. It provides the ability to move the ground model in a structured way between parties and will hopefully reduce the meetings, sheets of paper and the requirement for the same software package. This also continues our groups’ desire to continue to be truly be software agnostic or software independent.

The AGS Data Format Conference 2020
The Data Management Working Group are in the early stages of organising the AGS Data Format Conference 2020 which will be taking place on Wednesday 23rd September 2020 and will be returning to the National Motorcycle Museum in Birmingham. Sponsorship opportunities for the conference are already available and make sure to keep an eye out for future issue of the AGS Magazine and on the AGS website for registration details and speaker line-up.

Registered Users of Data Format
There are now 87 registered companies of AGS Data Format. As a reminder, it is now a requirement to be a registered user of AGS Data Format if your company supplies or receives AGS Data. Also, we ask that, if you are a consumer of AGS data, you check that any company supplying you with AGS data is shown on the list of registered users. To register as a Data Format user, email for further information.


AGS Magazine: September/October 2019

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The Association of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Specialists are pleased to announce the September/October issue of their publication; AGS Magazine. To view the magazine click HERE.

This free, publication focuses on geotechnics, engineering geology and geoenvironmental engineering as well as the work and achievements of the AGS.

There are a number of excellent articles in this month’s issue including;
2020 AGS Sponsorship Packages – Page 4
AGS Commercial Risks & How to Manage Them Conference 2020 – Page 6
Reducing risk and preventing claims on complex brownfield residential sites – Page 8
Manual Handling Operations – Have you assessed your risk? – Page 14
Safety and technical concerns of using a DCP – Page 18
AGS Guide to Working on Rail Infrastructure – Page 24
Q&A with Adam Latimer of Ian Farmer Associates – Page 28
Working Group Focus: Loss Prevention – Page 31

Advertising opportunities are available within future issues of the publication. To view rates and opportunities please view our media pack by clicking HERE.

If you have a news story, article, case study or event which you’d like to tell our editorial team about please email Articles should act as opinion pieces and not directly advertise a company. Please note that the publication of editorial and advertising content is subject to the discretion of the editorial board.


Safety and technical concerns of using a DCP

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The use of the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) also commonly known in the UK as the TRL Penetrometer or TRL Probe has been under discussion recently in the AGS Safety and Geotechnical Working Groups due to concerns raised by members regarding the significant danger of injury from damage to underground utilities, manual handling injury and the quality of the geotechnical data output.

The Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) is an instrument designed for the rapid in-situ measurement of the structural properties of existing road pavements constructed of unbound materials. The robust and simple design means that the DCP is quick and easy to use, portable, low cost and suitable for use in locations where access may be difficult. It is commonly used in the UK to determine a California Bearing Ratio (CBR) profile for pavement design.

This article discusses the history of the test, the safety concerns and geotechnical design limitations of the DCP in modern practice and provides alternative methods which must be considered by the Designer.

Historical Background

The earliest technical references to the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) suggest that it was developed in 1959 by Professor George F. Sowers, Professor of Civil Engineering, Georgia institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA1. The original DCP used a 15 lb weight dropping over 20 ins and used a 40o cone. This DCP was originally developed for field exploration and for verifying individual footing foundations during construction. The DCP was further developed in South Africa for the evaluation of in-situ pavement strength or stiffness of newly constructed roads in the 1960s. Dr. D. J. van Vuuren designed this version of the DCP with a 30° cone2.

The Transvaal Roads Department in South Africa began using the DCP to investigate road pavement in 19733. Kleyn reported the relative results obtained using a 30° cone and a 60° cone. In 19824, Kleyn described another DCP design, which used a 60° cone tip, 8 kg (17.6 lb) hammer, and 575 mm (22.6 in) free fall. This design was then gradually adopted by countries around the globe including the USA and by Transport Research Laboratory (TRL) in the UK. In 2004, the ASTM D6951-03 Standard Test Method for Use of the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer in Shallow Pavement Applications described using a DCP with this latest design5.

Typical DCP/TRL Probe

DCP Procedure

The 8 kg free fall hammer is manually lifted and dropped through a height of 575mm. The distance of penetration of the cone tip is then recorded and the cycle repeated. Continuous measurements can be made down to a depth of approximately 850mm or when extension rods are fitted to a maximum recommended depth of 2 metres.

DCP testing consists of using the DCP’s free-falling hammer to strike the cone, causing the cone to penetrate the base or subgrade soil, and then measuring the penetration per blow, also called the penetration rate (PR), in mm/blow. This measurement denotes the stiffness of the tested material, with a smaller PR number indicating a stiffer material. In other words, the PR is a measurement of the penetrability of the subgrade soil.

Technical Output from the DCP

The most common use of the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) is to provide a quick and simple field test method for evaluating the in-situ stiffness of base and subgrade layers for roads and highways, and DCP testing has been used in many countries and US States for subgrade evaluation and QA/QC procedures. The greatest advantage offered by the DCP is its ability to penetrate underlying layers and accurately locate zones of weakness within the pavement system.

Correlations have been established between measurements with the DCP and conventional in-situ CBR so that results can be interpreted and compared with CBR specifications for pavement design. TRL Report TRL5875 is the most common correlation method used in the UK and is widely specified. A typical test takes only a few minutes and therefore the instrument provides a very efficient method for obtaining information which would normally require the digging of test pits.

Technical Limitations

This instrument is typically used to assess material properties down to a depth of 1000 mm below the surface. The penetration depth can be increased using drive rod extensions. However, if drive rod extensions are used, care should be taken when using correlations to estimate other parameters, since these correlations are only appropriate for specific DCP configurations. The mass and inertia of the device will change and skin friction along drive rod extensions will occur.

Correlations to CBR in homogenous, fine grained soil types are potentially the best use of the tool, or for finding boundaries of known (engineered or natural) layers where there is significant difference in resistance i.e. soft clay over dense gravel. Heterogenous soil types, e.g. Made Ground, with a recommended CBR from DCP may represent a false materials characterisation presented in a report to a civils designer not fully understanding the technique’s limitations.

Health and Safety Concerns

The nature of the test means it is manually operated from ground level without view of the materials and ground conditions being penetrated. The standard equipment comprises in basic terms a metal cone which is connected to metal rods which are driven into the ground using a metal weight and slide mechanism. Incidences of personal injury from manually driving or pushing metal spikes or road pins into buried services have been well documented and must be considered a significant risk. The equipment is not insulated and the procedure requires the operative to hold the equipment6,7 and includes the potential to force-drive through obstructions which might include unobserved buried services.

Although not a DCP test but effectively a similar process, AGS in 2017 (SP Energy Networks) reported an incident where an operative drove a steel road pin into a HV electrical cable and more recently a Safety Alert was released by Geoffrey Osborne in 2019 relating to a similar incident. Driving of road pins on Network Rail requires a permit as it is deemed a significant risk and many contractors have banned the use of road pins or the driving of other metal rods (i.e. earth spikes) into the ground.

With regard to manual handling, the equipment is bulky and unstable unless held firmly at what may be head height for some operators including the 8 kg hammer at the top. Generally, it requires two persons to perform the operation, but is often carried out by single operators to minimise cost. Although some DCP systems have mechanical jacks to extract the rods the typical use in the UK is by back hammering or manual pulling if there is resistance during extraction of the rods and cone. These practices could lead to not only damage of the equipment but the risk of musculoskeletal injuries must be considered.

The device was designed before modern standards in health protection, or the practicality of manual handling in a more regulated industry was considered. It is the role of the Designer in CDM to reduce or preferably eliminate risks. Designers specifying a DCP as part of a compliant ground investigation to obtain data for pavement design are simply failing in their CDM duty where this hazard is identified because a CBR value can be obtained in a safer way which can reduce or even eliminate the risk.

Alternative methods for CBR

The common practice to determine CBR values before DCPs were through collecting a bulk sample from hand excavated pits and carrying out laboratory testing. It is acknowledged that excavating a trial pit to obtain a sample is not without risk, but that is a recognised industry methodology and would be expected to have mitigation to avoid underground services strikes.

In situ CBR values can be obtained from surface or the base of a hand excavated trial pit using In-situ CBR equipment or Plate Load Test (PLT) equipment in accordance with BS 1377 procedures. The limitation of these tests is that they only provide a single value and not a profile and results can be detrimentally affected by coarse materials in mixed soils or near surface desiccation in fine soils.

If a CBR by depth profile is essential for design then the use of equipment such as the Lightweight Deflectometer (LWD) could be considered. The LWD is a device that estimates the in-situ modulus of a material using the impulse load produced by the impact of a falling weight. LWDs are particularly useful for estimating the moduli of asphalt, aggregate base, granular subbase and subgrade pavement layers. LWDs consist of a mass (often 10 kg), an accelerometer or geophone, and a data collection unit and are designed to be light enough to be moved and operated by one person.


The use of DCP to provide QA/QC data for newly constructed highways and earthworks where the location of buried services is known is considered to be a useful, quick, low cost and relatively low risk method. However, when DCPs are specified along routes for new highways or more generally to determine CBR values for pavement design the risk becomes significantly greater from injury through damage to buried services and the method has technical and quality concerns.

The method has been extended for purposes beyond its original design which often do not take into account the modern environment. The construction CBR value provided through laboratory testing which also provides soil type and compacted density, or through an in-situ surface test such as In-situ CBR/PLT is recommended as being faithful to the original correlation with Californian rock gravel performance under relevant loading conditions.

The use of LWD equipment could reduce both the risk of injury from damage to buried services and manual handling even further and this method will provide a CBR depth profile which is now the most common reason in ground investigations for specifying a DCP.

The justification for the Designer to specify DCP must be carefully considered and not driven by lowest cost and a robust risk assessment must be carried out. Ground investigations, especially those on brownfield sites, using the DCP may not be considering the technical limitations of the test and may not fully take into account the safety risks. Therefore, Designers under CDM may be failing in their duty to eliminate or reduce risk and through specifying DCPs are putting persons at harm.

The AGS is currently considering the safe use of DCPs and alternative methods in order to reduce or eliminate the safety risks to members. It would welcome opinions and thoughts from its members and also technical data which could support the promotion of alternative methods.


1 George F. Sowers and Charles S. Hedges: 1966 : Dynamic Cone for Shallow In-Situ Penetration Testing – Vane Shear and Cone Penetration Resistance Testing of In-Situ Soils, ASTM STP 399, Am. Soc. Testing Mats., p. 29.

2 van Vuuren, D. J. : 1969 : Rapid Determination of CBR with the Portable Dynamic Cone Penetrometer, The Rhodesian Engineer.

3 Kleyn, E. G. : 1975 : The Use of the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP). Transvaal Roads Department, South Africa.

4 Kleyn, E. G., Maree, J. H., and Savage, P. F. : 1982 : The Application of a Portable Pavement Dynamic Cone Penetrometer to Determine in situ Bearing Properties of Road Pavement Layers and Subgrades in South Africa. The European Symposium on Penetration Testing, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

5 ASTM D6951 / D6951M – 18 : 2018 : Standard Test Method for Use of the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer in Shallow Pavement Applications.

6 Zohrabi, M and Scott, P.L : 2003 : TRL Report TRL587, The correlation between the CBR value and penetrability of pavement construction material. Transport Research Laboratory

7 Done, S.; Samuel, P. : 2004 :User manual UK DCP 2.2. Measurement of road pavement strength by Dynamic Cone Penetrometer.

8 Jones C R and J Rolt (1991). Operating instructions for the TRL dynamic cone penetrometer (2nd edition). Information Note. Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.

9 BS 1377 : 1990 : Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes. British Standards Institute

Article contributed by James Harrison, previously Delta Simons and Julian Lovell, Equipe Group


Reducing risk and preventing claims on complex brownfield residential sites.

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NHBC is the UK’s leading warranty provider for new homes in the UK with a market share of around 80%. We deal with over 4,000 sites per year from 9,000 house builders on our Register with around 165,000 new homes currently registered annually.


Builders on the NHBC Register are required to build new homes in accordance with NHBC’s Standards to be acceptable for Buildmark warranty cover. The Standards specify the Technical Requirements of NHBC along with the performance standards to be achieved in the design and construction of new homes. Guidance is also provided on how the performance standards may be met.

Part 4 of the NHBC Standards covers foundations including requirements for; land quality, building near trees, strip and trench fill foundations, raft, pile, pier and beam foundations, and vibratory ground improvement techniques.

Consultants and/or specialist contractors preparing remediation strategies or substructure designs for NHBC registered house builders should be aware of the requirements of NHBC’s Standards. This is to ensure that the designs prepared will satisfy NHBC’s Technical Requirements and performance standards in order to be acceptable for Buildmark warranty cover.

Additionally landowners, land developers, development agencies and third parties remediating brownfield land for sale to house builders for residential development should also be aware of NHBC’s Standards and requirements. This will help house builders to avoid potential difficulties when they register the site for Buildmark warranty if the remediation strategy adopted, and the verification of any works undertaken, prior to acquisition of the land does not satisfy NHBC’s requirements. NHBC can offer support to non-NHBC registered companies remediating land for subsequent sale for residential development through a Land Quality Endorsement (LQE) service (


The NHBC Standards are available online at:

In Part 4 of the NHBC Standards, Chapter 4.1: Land Quality – managing ground conditions provides a framework for managing geotechnical and contamination risks with the objective of ensuring that:

  • All sites are properly assessed and investigated for potential geotechnical and contamination hazards.
  • Foundations and substructure designs are suitable for the ground conditions.
  • Sites are properly remediated where necessary or appropriate, and design precautions are taken.
  • Appropriate documentation and verification are provided to NHBC.

On potentially hazardous sites, NHBC seeks to adopt a pro-active risk management regime on developments registered for Buildmark warranty with the aims of:

  • Reducing the potential for defective or damaged buildings.
  • Ensuring risks to human health are addressed.
  • Mitigating the likelihood of claims against Buildmark and significant claims costs for both house builders and NHBC.
  • Avoiding reputational damage for all stakeholders.

With the increased use of brownfield and marginal land for residential development, sites frequently have significant geotechnical and environmental issues that need to be satisfactorily addressed in order to meet the requirements of NHBC.

It is essential that a holistic approach to the overall remediation strategy is adopted for all brownfield and marginal sites. This is to ensure that both the geotechnical and environmental issues are considered in tandem and are aligned, so that the aims and objectives of each individual strategy are not unduly compromised, and the overall strategy delivers the desired performance over the 60-year design life required for new homes.

When undertaking technical assessments for new residential developments on brownfield or marginal sites with complex geotechnical and environmental issues, typical areas of concern and focus on proposals and designs submitted to NHBC for Buildmark warranty cover include:

a) Geotechnical

  • Inadequate or insufficient geotechnical site investigation and testing.
  • The presence of soft and compressible alluvial soils prone to large and potentially long-term settlements.
  • Deep un-engineered or partially engineered fills within landfills and quarries.
  • Landforming on sites with deep Made Ground or compressible soils with significant cut and/or upfilling resulting in heave or significant settlements.
  • Clarity of objectives for geotechnical remediation strategy including proposed foundation solutions.
  • The appropriateness of proposed ground treatment(s) to achieve the required bearing capacity and settlement characteristics for the development platform.
  • Suitability of engineered fill specifications particularly when proposed for the direct support of spread foundations, including; compaction method, testing regime, testing frequency, treatment of failures and verification.
  • The potential for collapse compression/inundation settlement on deep fill sites due to rising groundwater or infiltration including consideration of building drainage solutions on the site.
  • The robustness of the verification reporting on the implementation of the earthworks strategy.
  • Planned development over, or in close proximity, to high walls.
  • Long term settlements secondary and/or creep settlements over the 60-year design life of the new homes. Typically, NHBC will require any assessment to demonstrate that angular distortions/tilts will be no worse than 1 in 400 over the design life.
  • Potential short and long-term differential movements between rigid foundations solutions (e.g. piles) and external areas over the design life of the new homes.
  • Robust analysis and assessment of short and long-term settlements due to; building loads, raised ground levels, consolidation of cohesive soils and long-term creep in deep backfills and/or Made Ground. This includes the adoption of appropriate geotechnical parameters in settlement analyses/estimates.
  • Theoretical settlement estimates/assessments validated by load testing and/or settlement monitoring to demonstrate the actual load/settlement characteristics of the remediated development platform.
  • Due allowance for negative skin friction in pile designs on sites with deep fills and Made Ground or significant upfilling.
  • Co-ordination of geotechnical and environmental remediation strategies.
  • Co-ordination of post-remediation infrastructure/development works to ensure the geotechnical remediation works undertaken are not compromised or adversely affected (e.g. further changes to ground levels after remediation)

b) Environmental concerns

  • The adequacy of desk studies/Phase 1 assessments.
  • Robustness and completeness of conceptual site models.
  • Inadequate or insufficient geo-environmental ground investigation, testing and assessment following Phase 1 investigations.
  • The appropriateness of the contaminant testing suite and the frequency of testing and distribution on the site.
  • The use of appropriate assessment criteria for contaminants in soils and controlled waters.
  • The interpretation and assessment of environmental data obtained from ground investigations and appropriate updating of the conceptual site model.
  • Appropriate characterisation of ground gas regimes and any protection measures that may need to be adopted.
  • The robustness of the verification reporting following implementation of the environmental remediation strategy.
  • Co-ordination of geotechnical and environmental remediation strategies.
  • Co-ordination of post-remediation infrastructure/development works to ensure the geo-environmental remediation works undertaken are not compromised.

Often when things go wrong, the investigation of claims against Buildmark identify how these could have been avoided as the following examples demonstrate:

Example 1 – Excessive ground movement

In this example, the new homes were constructed on a site with soft compressible soils, including peat, to depths of 9m below the original ground levels. The properties were on piled foundations with a cantilevered path around the perimeter of the building to support services and safeguard the threshold at entrances to the buildings. However, during development, a piling mat was installed, and ground levels were also subsequently increased by up to 1m to suit final development levels. No measures were implemented to mitigate settlement of the underlying soft ground due to the increase in ground levels. After 12 months, 200mm to 300mm of settlement was recorded around the properties resulting in excessive differential movement occurring between the rigid piled substructure and the external ground. This incurred significant remedial costs on the affected properties. Claims on these properties could have been avoided by ensuring that the strategy for the site not only considered the foundation solution for the buildings but also the effects of raising ground levels on the underlying soft compressible soils.

Example 2 – Excessive ground movement

This example is another situation where potential for post development ground movements was not considered. In this case, the site was underlain by soft and very soft alluvial clays to depths of 15m. Piled substructures were adopted due to the poor ground conditions, but no consideration was given to post development settlements that may occur. A piling mat was provided to facilitate the piling works and some upfilling of the site was undertaken. This resulted in consolidation of the soft alluvial soils with between 75mm to 100mm of differential movement between the substructure and external that compromised access to the building and incoming services. Once again, claims on these properties could have been avoided by ensuring that the strategy for the site not only considered the foundation solution for the buildings but also the effects of raising ground levels on the underlying soft compressible soils.

Example 3 – Contamination in soils

On this rural development of 5 plots with extremely large rear gardens, fibrous boarding was identified in the gardens following occupation by the homeowners. Subsequent investigations revealed the presence of Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) in the topsoil and subsoil, typically within 500mm of ground level but locally up to 1m in depth. The volume and concentration of ACM in the soil was determined to represent a significant risk to human health and substantial remediation was required in the gardens. Investigations identified; inadequate site investigations were undertaken prior to development along with lax control during the decommissioning and demolition of buildings previously occupying the site. The claims on these properties could have been avoided with an adequate site investigation and conceptual site model for the site, together with appropriate controls during the demolition of the original buildings.

In the examples given above, the claims against Buildmark warranty resulted in significant claims costs and disruption to the lives of the affected homeowners. These could have been avoided had the ground conditions been fully appreciated and appropriately managed, during both the development of the scheme design and subsequent construction.

In summary, it is essential that all brownfield and marginal sites with complex ground conditions are appropriately investigated and assessed to identify the potential geotechnical and environmental risks. This should include consideration of; the works required to create the development platform and any additional risk this may create, the types of building proposed and the intended foundation solutions etc.

For residential sites registered for NHBC Buildmark warranty, development designs and proposals will be assessed against the requirements of NHBC’s Standards and expected to satisfy Chapter 4.1: Land Quality – managing ground conditionsAll designers providing services to NHBC registered house builders and/or land owners or land  developers remediating brownfield sites for residential end-use should ensure they are familiar with NHBC’s requirements to; avoid development proposals being determined as unsuitable for Buildmark warranty cover, to assist in reducing risks and to help prevent claims for the benefit of all stakeholders, particularly home owners.

If you’d like to learn more about our LQE service please visit or contact us on

Article contributed by Adam Gombocz, Senior Geotechnical Engineer and John Jones, NHBC Engineering Manager






Article Safety

Manual Handling Operations – Have you assessed your risk?

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As the litigious nature of society grows and employees appear to be encouraged more than ever to pursue claims with their employers, the likelihood of claims for manual handling injuries is also likely to increase. Manual handling injuries are part of a wider group of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). The term ‘musculoskeletal disorders’ covers any injury, damage or disorder of the joints or other tissues in the upper/lower limbs or the back. HSE states that statistics from the Labour Force Survey (LFS) indicate that MSD cases, including those caused by manual handling, account for more than a third of all work-related illnesses reported each year to the enforcing authorities. So, what aspects of geotechnical site work may be exposing the workforce to risks of manual handling injury which could lead to an unexpected claim.

Legislative Background

The Manual Handling Operations Regulations, 19921 is the main part of legislation which employers should be familiar with but additionally they should also be aware of other related HSE guidance such as the Manual Handling Assessment Charts (the MAC tool), INDG383 (rev 3)2. This sister guidance to the Regulations provides a detailed insight into how an employer should assess the risk through three types of assessment: lifting operations, carrying operations and team handling operations.

Most employers and hopefully their employees will be aware that the law does not identify a maximum weight limit. It places duties on employers to manage or control risk; measures to take to meet this duty will vary depending on the circumstances of the task. Things to be considered will include the individual carrying out the handling operation (e g strength, fitness, underlying medical conditions), the weight to be lifted and distance to be carried, the nature of the load or the postures to be adopted or the availability of equipment to facilitate the lift.

The HSE MAC Tool

The MAC tool provides a colour coded and numerical approach to risk assessment which takes into account all of the above factors but in a pragmatic and user-friendly approach and defines the following levels of risk:

G = GREEN – Low level of risk   Although the risk is low, consider the exposure levels for vulnerable groups such as pregnant women,  disabled, recently injured, young or inexperienced workers.
 A = AMBER – Medium level of risk   Examine tasks closely.
R = RED – High level of risk   Prompt action needed. This may expose a significant proportion of the working population to risk of injury.
P = PURPLE – Unacceptable level of risk   Such operations may represent a serious risk of injury and must be improved.


The first part of the assessment is to assess the load weight and for lifting and carrying for individuals this requires the employer to assess the weight of the load but also the frequency/repetition of the task. Although most single person lifting operations have ‘manageable’ load weights i.e. bags of sand/gravel/bentonite are limited to 25kg and bulk samples are around 25kg, if there is a repetitive nature to the task then the operation may go into the RED or even PURPLE. Therefore, tasks such as manually loading a lorry with bulk bags or unloading a couple of pallets of bentonite/gravel may push the task into the RED which would be deemed a high-risk task requiring prompt action. This is not surprising and why the employer must ensure collections and deliveries are assessed and where required are made with hi-ab lorries or tail lifts and have pallet trucks or a forklift available.

Team Lifting

Team lifting operations in our industry are generally a two-person lift. In this instance the MAC tool requires the employer to simply assess the load weight and does not take into account the frequency. The tool indicates that for two person lifts a weight in excess of 65kg is a high-risk activity and lift weights in excess of 85kg is an unacceptable risk. Employers can obtain equipment weights from the manufacturers and suppliers and a list of standard cable percussion tooling weights is provided in the current BDA Cable Percussion Guidance3.  Therefore, as examples: a sinker bar of 80kg or a 6” casing lead length of 77kg would mean a high-risk lifting operation whilst a U100 slide hammer at 93kg and a standard SPT drop hammer at 115kg would be an unacceptable risk. The choice of core boxes is another area of concern. A 3m two channel core box containing S size core of Chalk (a relatively low density rock) can still weigh in excess of 77kg which takes the lift into a high level of risk whereas higher density rock may become an unacceptable level of risk. As the frequency of the lift is not a factor then for each and every lift where there is a potential for a manual handling injury there is a potential claim.

Other factors

The MAC Tool does not simply use weight and frequency alone to assess the risk and also requires the employer to assess:

B – Hand distance from the lower back

C – Vertical lift zone

D – Torso twisting and sideways bending

E – Postural constraints

F – Grip on the load

G – Floor surface

H – Carry distance

I – Obstacles on route

J – Communication, co-ordination and control

K – Environmental factors

Therefore as an example, the assessment for using wooden core boxes has to start factoring in: having to bend down to pick the load up (B), leaning to one side as the box is picked up and carried (C & D), the use of looped rope handles which cut into the fingers (F), potential lifting on slippery or uneven ground (G) and potential obstacles (I),  then the overall risk of the task becomes high risk as a minimum and therefore prompt action is required.

Risk Control Measures

The first step required to comply with the Regulations is that the employer should, so far as is reasonably practicable, avoid the need for their employees to carry out manual handling operations that involve a risk of injury. If this is not reasonably practicable then the risks to employees of the manual handling operations carried out in the normal course of their work should be assessed and reduced.

On geotechnical sites that means using hi-ab lorries, winches or other mechanical lifting devices where possible, reducing the length of casings and other equipment, working on hard standing or creating more solid work areas with bog matting, using mounted hydraulic SPT hammers and using support vehicles and trailers to move equipment and materials around the site.

So what about the wooden core boxes? The employer may be able to improve the ground surface conditions and use mechanical lifting devices when in the core store or once on pallets but the weights are still going to mean a high to unacceptable level of risk in the field and in many core stores. Improvements to the handles will also help but the overriding problem will still be the weight and therefore the only solution left open to the employer is to reduce the size of the core box.

Any claim for a Manual Handling injury will result in the court looking at the current Regulations and Guidance and the measures the Employer has taken to reduce the level of risk of the task so far as reasonably practicable. Have you?


1 HSE, Manual Handling Operations Regulations, 1992

2 HSE, Manual handling assessment charts (the MAC Tool), INDG 383 rev3, 2019

3 BDA, Guidance for the operation of cable percussion rigs and equipment.

Article contributed by Julian Lovell, Managing Director of Equipe Group


Q&A with Adam Latimer

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Tags: Featured

Full Name: Jonathan Adam Latimer

Job Title: Operations Director

Company: Ian Farmer Associates (1998) Limited

Adam is an Operations Director with over 25 years of professional experience working in the ground investigation sector. Adam has worked on a wide variety of investigations, including land development, contaminated land, infrastructure (both road and rail) and utilities projects. Adam holds an undergraduate degree in Geology and holds a vocational qualification in NEBOSH National Certificate in Construction Health and Safety. Adam is also a Freeman of the City of London and is a committee member for both the AGS and BGA.

What or who inspired you to join the geotechnical industry?

There isn’t any one person who inspired me to join the industry, however I have always had a keen interest in Geology from a young age, growing up in the North Pennines with its rich Geology and Mining History. When I left Durham University in 1993, I had already rejected the opportunities of working in the mining and exploration sector (working in politically unstable parts of the world wasn’t really an appealing prospect). I studied a traditional Geology degree and the Geotechnical Industry wasn’t an industry I as was particularly familiar with or aware of. Many undergraduates from Durham would ultimately become involved in the oil and gas sector, law or accountancy. On leaving University I cast a wide net, applying to a wide variety of businesses so I suppose I stumbled into the industry partly by accident.

What does a typical day entail?

I don’t have a typical day and as such it can be quite varied. Like everyone else involved in this industry, the days can be long. As I have progressed up the managerial ladder my role has become more of a support function for the business. With multiple offices and the business now being part of the RSK Group, I have found my time split between all sections of the company. Typically, I will spend most of my time in business development, forecasting, budgeting, estimating, training, auditing and reviewing and developing new documentation. Sadly, my time visiting sites and undertaking reporting and technical reviews has reduced with more managerial duties being the norm.

Are there any projects which you’re particularly proud to have been a part of?

I have been involved in a number of large scale and challenging ground investigations during my time in the industry and I can’t really focus on any one project over another. I am very passionate about the ground investigation industry and the most rewarding part of my job is helping to inspire the next generation of ground engineers, whether this is through the work within the AGS and BGA or through mentoring and training within Ian Farmer Associates.

What are the most challenging aspects of your role?

My role within the business has developed over the past few years and has become more focussed on the business development side and as such a huge challenge is adapting to volatile market conditions. Our industry suffers historically from significant peaks and troughs and you need to react quickly during buoyant times and when there is a downturn. The industry as a whole has also suffered from an acute shortage of experienced engineers and this coupled with a reduction in graduates entering the industry has put enormous pressures on existing staff to meet ever demanding timescales.

What AGS Working Group(s) are you a Member of and what are your current focuses?

I am currently the lead for the Safety Working Group and a member of the Executive Committee. Currently we are working on delivering the inaugural safety conference (Safety in Mind) on the 21st November at the National Motorcycle Museum. We have secured an excellent line up of speakers and some thought-provoking presentations which I am sure will make it a success. As a group we are continuing to gather feedback from our members on trial pitting and whether it remains a safe and effective method in a changing geotechnical world. We are also at the early stages of a working group on avoidance of buried services with collaboration with the BDA and FPS.

What do you enjoy most about being an AGS Member?

The AGS provides a unique opportunity for like-minded people to discuss issues within the industry in an honest and frank way. The AGS membership is an essential vehicle to share good practices in an open forum for the greater good of the industry.

What do you find beneficial about being an AGS Member?

Being a member of the AGS provides members with an unrivalled opportunity to have a voice in how the Geotechnical Industry should operate. Fantastic work has been done by the members of the AGS to shape the future of the industry and that is credit to the diligence and tireless work of all the professionals we are fortunate to have working in the sector. There is a wealth of publications, position papers and articles which provides invaluable information and all this is available for the benefit of the members on the website or through the conferences held annually.  

Why do you feel the AGS is important to the industry?

The AGS offers a unique opportunity for like-minded professionals who are passionate about the industry to work collaboratively for a common goal to improve the image of the Geotechnical sector. The AGS is the only trade association which includes a mixture of contractors, consultants and clients which offers a wealth of knowledge and experience to help shape a strong and stable future and only with us working together can we make a tangible difference.

What changes would you like to see implemented in the geotechnical industry?

The Geotechnical Industry has seen significant strides in technology and health and safety since I joined in the mid-90s. There is of course lots of work to do and as an industry we can’t stand-still and need to continue to evolve. The recent survey between the AGS and BDA on the state of the industry offered some food for thought for all of us working in ground investigation and although the results may not have been a big shock, there is still much work to do in order to improve the image of the industry, not just within our membership but also throughout the wider construction sector.

Article Report Loss Prevention

AGS Loss Prevention Working Group Update

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Tags: Featured

Hugh Mallett, Leader of the Loss Prevention Working Group, has provided an update on the top issues the Loss Prevention Working Group discussed at a recent meeting which took place in September 2019.

Commercial Risks and How to Manage Them Conferences

The first AGS Commercial Risks and How to Manage Them Conference took place on 3rd July at One Moorgate Place in London. Due to the success of the half-day conference, the conference is being repeated in Manchester on Wednesday 22nd January 2020 at the Manchester Conference Centre. The CPD conference is aimed at both junior and experienced ground engineers, who are interested in improving their knowledge and skills within this sector. For information on speaker line-up, sponsorship packages and ticket prices, please visit the AGS website.

PI Insurance Premiums

There are concerns within the Loss Prevention Working Group regarding the significant increase of PI insurance premiums in the last year. This issue is confirmed to be commercially driven, rather than risk driven. However, the group are looking to discuss this issue further and draft an article on the topic to advise AGS members.

AGS Data Format

There is an ongoing discussion between the AGS Loss Prevention Working Group and the AGS Data Management Working Group about the issue regarding ownership of AGS Data. The issue first arose at the AGS Members’ Day in 2018 following a presentation given and the two groups are still looking for a conclusion to the issue. Once the issue has been concluded, the AGS will look to push out the information to the AGS members.

New Leader for 2020

After becoming the Leader of the Loss Prevention Working Group in 2014, Hugh Mallett has decided to step down from the role in 2020. Therefore, the role will be up for election next year and further details will be circulated in early 2020. If you are interested in the role, but have any questions, please contact

Alternatively, if you wish to join the AGS Loss Prevention Working Group, please contact the AGS Secretariat at


Major fair payment and mental health initiative launches

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Tags: Featured

The AGS is supporting a major new payment and mental health survey which has been launched by 27 bodies in the UK construction industry, to understand how poor payment practices are impacting mental health and business wellbeing.

The survey is being run by leading engineering services trade bodies ECA and BESA, in association with the Prompt Payment Directory.

The survey can be completed here –

The survey is open until 5pm Thursday 10th October 2019.

The overall data will be shared with survey supporters. (Individual data is strictly confidential and anonymised).


2020 AGS Sponsorship packages

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Arrange your sponsorship for the year in one go, with comprehensive coverage across all AGS events in 2020. The sponsorship will cover the following events:

  • 22nd January 2020 – Commercial Risks Conference, Manchester Conference Centre, Manchester
  • 2nd April 2020 – AGS Annual Conference, National Motorcycle Museum, Birmingham
  • July 2020 – Instrumentation & Monitoring Conference, London
  • 23rd September 2020 – Data Format Conference, National Motorcycle Museum, Birmingham


 Please contact AGS ( to discuss joint and discount packages. You can still sponsor on an individual conference basis. Prices follow. All prices exclude VAT & subject to availability.

Platinum (AGS Member Rate: £1250 / Non-Member Rate: £1500) 

  • Article in our AGS magazine on a thought leadership topic (4150 subscribers, 1pp)
  • Full page advert in AGS Magazine**
  • Entry for three delegates into the event
  • Company logo on each attending delegates’ lanyard
  • A designated area to exhibit company initiatives, research and software. This exhibition space can showcase marketing materials, literature and banners
  • Company logo on the event PowerPoint presentation holding slide
  • Company logo and overview on the event programme
  • Company overview on the AGS website
  • Three announcements of your company’s involvement on the AGS Twitter page
  • Three announcements of your company’s involvement on the AGS’ LinkedIn page

*one package available
**terms and conditions apply

Diamond (AGS Member Rate: £1250 / Non-Member Rate: £1500) 

  • Catering sponsor with logo on menu
  • Article in our AGS magazine on a thought leadership topic (4150 subscribers, 1pp)
  • Full page advert in AGS Magazine**
  • Entry for three delegates into the event
  • A designated area to exhibit company initiatives, research and software. This exhibition space can also showcase marketing materials, literature and banners
  • Company logo on the event PowerPoint presentation holding slide
  • Company logo and overview on the event programme
  • Company overview on the AGS website
  • Three announcements of your company’s involvement on the AGS Twitter page
  • Three announcements of your company’s involvement on the AGS’ LinkedIn page

*one package available
**terms and conditions apply

Gold (AGS Member Rate: £750 / Non-Member Rate: £1000) 

  • Entry for two delegates into the event
  • A designated area to exhibit company initiatives, research and software. This exhibition space can also showcase marketing materials, literature and banners
  • Company logo on the event PowerPoint presentation holding slide
  • Company logo and overview on the event programme
  • Company overview on the AGS website
  • Announcement of your company’s involvement on the AGS Twitter page
  • Announcement of your company’s involvement on the AGS’ LinkedIn page

*Limited packages available

Silver (AGS Member Rate: £500 Non-Member Rate: £650) 

  • Entry for one delegate into the event
  • ¼ page advert in AGS magazine
  • Company logo on event PowerPoint Presentation holding slide
  • Company logo on the event programme
  • Company overview on the AGS website
  • Announcement of your company’s involvement on the AGS Twitter page

All prices exclude VAT. Unlimited silver sponsorship packages available.




AGS Magazine: August 2019

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Tags: Featured

The Association of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Specialists are pleased to announce the August issue of their publication; AGS Magazine. To view the magazine click HERE.

This free, publication focuses on geotechnics, engineering geology and geoenvironmental engineering as well as the work and achievements of the AGS.

There are a number of excellent articles in this month’s issue including;
Geotechnica 2019: Summary and Review – Page 4
Safety in Mind – A conference from the AGS Health & Safety Working Group – Page 6
AGS Commercial Risks and How to Manage Them Conference – Page 8
An Insight into the SiLC Exam – Page 12
Is your materials management compliant? – Page 14
Q&A with Zita Mansi of Beale & Co – Page 16
Working Group Focus: Laboratories – Page 19

Advertising opportunities are available within future issues of the publication. To view rates and opportunities please view our media pack by clicking HERE.

If you have a news story, article, case study or event which you’d like to tell our editorial team about please email Articles should act as opinion pieces and not directly advertise a company. Please note that the publication of editorial and advertising content is subject to the discretion of the editorial board.


Is your Materials Management Compliant?

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Tags: Featured

In an article in the March/April AGS Magazine on “Recent changes to Landfill Tax”, Andy O’Dea of WSP highlighted the keen interest HMRC are taking in this issue and the prospect of serious fines and prosecutions for those failing to properly regulate the soils they reuse onsite or export to other sites. Following some recent action by HMRC and the Environment Agency, Andy provides us with an update.

As part of a day of action (23 May 2019) HMRC and the Environment Agency teamed up to inspect 60 waste sites potentially treating, storing or disposing of waste illegally. Described as the “biggest single joint day of action” on suspected waste crime, this is something we have been expecting! The drive to tackle waste crime is high on the EA agenda and the financial sanctions that HMRC bring now present both ‘carrot and stick’ on this issue.

The visits so far are targeting obvious criminal activity where no care for the environment is taken and quick financial gain by avoiding waste fees is the main driver. However, general earthworks and remediation projects for brownfield sites need to heed this news as reusing soils without robust documentation falls under the same principles and may result in audit or inspection by the EA/HMRC.

By far the simplest, quickest and efficient way to regulate the reuse of soils onsite or export of clean, natural soils for use on another site is the use of Material Management Plans under the CL:AIRE Definition of Waste Code of Practice (DoWCoP). Securing a declaration under the DoWCoP is generally straightforward when done in advance and supported by the required information about the materials to be reused. However, the declaration is not the end of the waste discussion; tracking soil movements and verification of the works is paramount to completing the project. If the verification loop is not closed, HMRC are of the opinion that the soils reused remain a waste and attract landfill tax (and additional penalties related to unauthorised sites).

Recently we audited a development site working under a Materials Management Plan and Declaration. The intention was for clean, naturally derived soils to be transported to a receiver site. Our visit uncovered that the soils intended for transfer had been moved on site and become intermixed with a large amount of construction waste, wooden pallets, concrete, asphalt, mortar, plastic, wire and metal. The soil is no longer suitable for transfer, it has become a mixed waste. It is now likely that the soils will have to be disposed of to landfill or subject to waste treatment because it was not managed properly.

In our experience, this is not an isolated incident. Poor material and waste management on construction sites, lack of segregation and inadequate management of sub-contractors is resulting in unexpected costs for developers or worse, going unnoticed.

The introduction of the CL:AIRE Code of Practice has been a positive move in the sustainable reuse of soils on development sites but now is the time to make sure sites are managing the soils properly. We are confident that prosecutions will be brought forward soon and that a declaration is not protection in itself. Effective management of soils and demonstration of this through verification is vital to avoid hefty fines and reputational damage.

Article provided by Andy O’Dea, Technical Director at WSP